Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 114: Abruptly interfered with his private itinerary

He Ning dialed Shen Jingyu's number.

When Shen Jingyu didn't know how many times he looked at the phone, the phone suddenly lit up with a familiar name displayed on it.

He paused before picking it up.

He Ning whispered softly, "San...Yu, Aunt Chen said that you are coming back for dinner, but you haven't come back yet. Are you busy?"

"Yes." Shen Jingyu did not deny.

Seeing that he was absent-minded all night and didn't touch the food, Gu Baoyan couldn't help but ask softly, "Jingyu, who is it? Your steak is cold. I'll give you another one."

He Ning heard the soft female voice over there, and her heart shook, holding the phone's hand tightly.

She thought something had happened to him and didn't come back.

It turned out that he was already eating with other women.

She was so abrupt that she made some phone call and interfered with his private itinerary.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were busy." He Ning said apologetically, "That's all right, I'll hang up first."

Turning off the phone, He Ning felt a little sore and uncomfortable. Maybe it was because he had been hungry for a long time.

She smiled and said to Aunt Chen: "San Ye is already eating, I'd better eat first. I won't wait for him."

She bowed her head, took the chopsticks, and ate quickly.

Aunt Chen was a little strange: "San Ye always says one thing is the same, maybe his arrangements tonight are more important."

He Ning's hand holding the dish paused. Indeed, the arrangements for tonight should be more important to him. He has his own life and arrangements, which is normal.

She finished eating quickly and went back to the room.

For a moment, Shen Jingyu's car appeared downstairs in the villa.

He walked quickly into the living room, strode upstairs, and reached the door of He Ning's room, and found that the door was locked from the inside.

He twisted his eyebrows slightly and saw Aunt Chen downstairs clearing the table.

He Ning should have just eaten.

"No matter when I come back in the future, three meals will be served on time." Shen Jingyu dropped a sentence before returning to his room.

The next day, He Ning left early in the morning.

She made an appointment with an investor to discuss business cooperation.

"Miss, are you really going to see Mr. Zhang?" Gong Zeye hurried over to join her.

"Uncle Gong, you used to follow my mother to do things, and later helped me a lot. You should know that the company is my mother's painstaking effort, and I can't let it wear out in my hands. Last time you were able to inform me in time, I was already very I am grateful. This time, I will get investment no matter what, and I will get the last chance before those shareholders are completely biased towards my dad."

Gong Zeye nodded: "Then I will accompany you over."

"Okay." He Ning glanced at Gong Zeye. Now, there are not many people available to her, and he is considered a rare one.

Accompanied by Gong Zeye, He Ning came to Haohan Tianyue together. She wanted to see Zhang Haotian, the person in charge of Haohan Tianyue.

The secretary tactfully rejected her: "Miss He, Mr. Zhang is not in the country at the moment, you should go back first."

He Ning frowned slightly. She had already inquired that Zhang Haotian was not only in China, but also in the office today. Otherwise, she wouldn't come to visit rashly.

"I'll wait for him right here." He Ning sat down.

The secretary was not good at rushing her away, and let her sit down.

"Miss, Mr. He should have visited Mr. Zhang early in the morning." Gong Zeye reminded in a low voice from the side.

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