Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1143: Concave shape tool

"Let's arrange the shooting first." Ye Shu reminded.

"Okay." Xiao Yao and Gong Yunxi responded hurriedly, planning to devote themselves to work.

In the distance, a group of people are riding horses around the huge playground.

The horseshoe rolled up the sand and dust.

And someone right away moved straightforwardly, even holding a gun in his hand.

Targets were erected all around the playground, and the people on the horses rushed while shooting at the targets.

It seems that the state of those few people is very enviable.

The accompanying persons around also burst into applause, complimenting the few people.

Both Xiao Yao and Gong Yunxi looked straight, and it was the first time that they saw someone complete such a difficult riding and shooting action.

Ye Shu also nodded and said, "That's right, you have to keep your balance on the horseback, but also aim and shoot. He must also achieve good shooting results. I am afraid that person has been training for many years.

Chu Ning agreed: "It seems that the army training here has good abilities. I think we should work hard so as not to affect others."

"Okay, let's go, work." Ye Shu said loudly.

The people riding horses in the distance ran straight in their direction.

"Are you a private TV station ashamed to call it work?" There was a contemptuous voice in the distance.

The people on the horse, at this time, got off the horse together.

Chu Ning took a closer look, and it was Jiang Yue and others who came over.

The group also wore military uniforms, including Jiang Yue, He Peishan, Fu Meirou, He Jiaojiao and others.

It turned out that the person who just finished riding and shooting was Fu Mei and Ruan Jiangyue.

They were all born into military families, and in these respects, they have done quite a bit.

Especially Fu Meirou, Fu Hongxuan had no son, and she trained her eldest daughter as a son, so Fu Meirou was very proficient in everything.

"Jiang Yue, don't talk nonsense. Everyone works, regardless of each other." Fu Meirou stopped Jiang Yue.

When she was there, everyone looked forward to her.

He Peishan can only serve as a foil.

Although He Peishan, He Jiaojiao, and Jiang Yue are wearing military uniforms, they all wear exquisite and heavy makeup, and their hair is well managed.

It seems that the military uniform is just a tool they use to make concave shapes.

However, Fu Meirou's clothes are strictly neat, and the clothes all over her body are neatly arranged, and even the Feng Ji buttons are meticulously buttoned.

Her hair is also serious and meticulous, and she doesn't wear any accessories, which is indeed in line with her identity as Miss Fu's family and has played an exemplary role.

"Miss Fu." Chu Ning said hello neither humble nor arrogant.

Gong Yunxi understood the situation best and said in a low voice: "Chuning, we have inquired before that Jingyuan Satellite TV will also shoot a military propaganda film, and Fu Meirou will participate, but she didn't expect that they would come here."

Chu Ning was very clear in his heart.

It is well known that Fu Meirou likes Shen Jingyu. Since she wants to take part in the filming, choosing Shen Jingyu's army naturally suits her best.

As for the examination and approval, her own father is Fu Hongxuan and her uncle is Jiang Qi. There is no difficulty at all.

"Miss Chu, our filming location is on the other side. It will not affect you, nor will it affect the normal work of Jingyu's troops. So please don't worry." Fu Meirou said generously.

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