Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1153: Well-meaning person

It's just that he is inconvenient to walk now, and he can't help him personally. For him, it is always a great regret.

After a while, He Peishan and Shen Muhan also came over.

"Who is in charge here?" He Peishan asked unkindly when he came, "What about my dad? Is there anything wrong with him?"

"General He is here, and the whereabouts of General He and his wife are unknown. However, General He has rich experience and command if he is determined. He has controlled the situation and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner." Xu Cheng said immediately.

I heard that He Yiming is here, and He Peishan's momentum is a bit weak.

To the former eldest brother in front of her, she still dare not speak loudly.

The lieutenants that the He family is following are all standing by He Yiming's side, and are always convinced of him.

In just a short time after He Yiming's arrival, the rescue work on the spot has been formally and smoothly progressing.

Even if some lieutenants are He Boyuan's confidantes and don't like He Yiming, they still have to admit that his ability is beyond his own.

He Yiming said: "Come here, take Miss He to rest."

In fact, she knew that she was arrogant and didn't want her to disturb people's hearts here.

"I will stay here." He Peishan refused to leave.

"Miss, please..." Xu Cheng stepped forward and said.

"Then hurry up and find my parents?" He Peishan shouted at Xu Cheng.

"I'm already looking for it, Miss!" Xu Cheng was patient.

He Peishan felt a little uncomfortable.

Probably it was He Birong who also discovered that she wanted a child for them and was not very willing. He Birong chose a mountainous scenic spot to live temporarily this time.

On the one hand, I want to heal my body and spend this period of pregnancy well.

On the one hand, I also want to reduce the conflict with He Peishan.

Who knows that this kind of thing happened just here.

He Peishan didn't want her parents to have trouble, especially her father, which was almost all her support.

But at the moment, no one can say what will happen.

Seeing the rescue team entered in batches, but soon there was no more information, and she was too anxious.

An old lady ran over, crying and crying: "My grandson, what's going on with you, please hurry up and save my grandson! You hurry in and save people!"

"Grandma, don't cry, they will save people."

The one who was crying was Mrs. He, and the one who tried hard to hold her was He Jiaojiao.

He Jiaojiao was afraid that Mrs. He would upset the people around her, so she kept pulling her tightly.

What happened to Hori too? Chu Ning was startled slightly.

"Where is He Li?" she asked the old lady He.

Old Mrs. He didn’t care about who was asking the question, she rushed forward and took Chu Ning’s hand and said, “That’s right, my grandson Heli, taking advantage of the holiday to come to the mountains with classmates to gather the wind, who knows Just two days after I entered, something like this happened. No matter what, you must save my grandson! I am just such a grandson, and you must save him!"

Chu Ning has no feelings for the entire He family.

The only exception is Horie.

The people of the He family, the eldest uncle and the eldest aunt have never cared much about Chu Ning's affairs, did not participate or help, and stay out of the matter.

It was He Li, a rare person in the He family who was kind to Chu Ning.

Last time, when Chu Ning was looking for her own life experience, He Li took the initiative to help, found some clues, and found Chu Ning and gave her things.

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