Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1156: This is the medicine given by Chu Ning

But when he heard this, the balance in He Peishan's heart tilted.

The evil thoughts swept through her heart again.

She wanted the power of her father and the love of her mother.

However, he never wanted a younger brother to take these away.

She subconsciously touched the medicine packet in the small bag she was carrying with her.

It was the abortion pill she bought, and it had been on her body for several days.

However, she has never dared to start.

It was He Birong, the mother who loved and loved her all her life, and she couldn't handle the things she had been thinking about all the time.

Moreover, she did not have a good time to start.

But at this moment, it is a perfect opportunity...

The ground had stopped shaking, and the people around got up from the ground in a daze.

Chu Ning was protecting a child, and He Li and Shen Ye hurriedly helped to maintain order.

Shen Muhan is protecting He Boyuan...

He Peishan took out the medicine and eagerly delivered it to He Birong: "Mommy, this is the medicine given by Chu Ning, which can make you feel better."

He Birong swallowed it without even thinking about it. She wanted to protect the child in her belly and she must be fine.

Now she has no other choice.

"The ground has stopped shaking, let's rescue normally!" Chu Ning and Shen Ye said together.

He Boyuan and He Birong were first taken out by Shen Muhan's people, and He Peishan immediately followed them out.

Fortunately, there were no aftershocks this time, and the three of them went out smoothly.

When He Boyuan got off the helicopter, the first person he saw was He Yiming.

He is sitting in a wheelchair, directing people to carry out various rescue and aftermath work.

Xu Cheng ran over and said happily: "General He, according to your plan, the old general has been rescued!"

Hearing this, He Yiming raised his eyes.

When I saw He Boyuan, there was not much emotion on his angular face, but he slightly chinted his head towards He Boyuan: "General He."

At this moment, He Boyuan's heart received a violent shock.

This was originally his son, and everything about He Yiming was like the son he wanted.

Responsible, responsible, capable, standing upright, not succumbing to any difficulties, and not blindly following any authority.

At the beginning, and every subsequent time, when He Yiming encountered difficulties, if he did not put pressure in the middle, would the relationship between him and this "son" still be as peaceful and peaceful as the past two decades? ?

Even if he is not his own person, if he is more kind, will everything be different?

Maybe he just got out of the danger of life and death, and He Boyuan's thoughts were obviously different from the past.

He Yiming has turned his head back, focusing on other affairs.

There was a sudden violent pain in He Boyuan's chest. He clutched his chest and fell down.

"Quickly, take the old general to the hospital." A wave of shouts from the lieutenant came next to him.

Immediately afterwards, He Birong, who had been injured in her leg, covered her stomach, and she felt a sharp pain: "Ah, my stomach, my child..."

She is a doctor herself and can feel the changes in her body.

Suddenly, He Birong seemed to have a premonition: "Help my child!"

The doctors and nurses who had been waiting a long time ago immediately gathered around.

"Acute abortion requires immediate infusion and surgery!" The doctor and nurse shouted while pushing He Birong into the ambulance.

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