Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1163: Murderous spirit that obliterates humanity

"Jingyu, let's go." Chu Ning heard the voice of the helicopter.

She doesn't want to have more troubles, leaving this place of right and wrong as soon as possible is the only thing to do now.

However, the helicopter has been forced away from here, and it has become extremely difficult to fly over again to find the correct location for rescue.

At the same time, there was a howling of a wolf behind him.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of wild wolves howled together, and the sound together became tragic and terrifying.

Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning turned their heads and found that the wild wolves who had been locked up in the basement just now had their walls collapsed due to the shaking of the aftershocks, giving them a chance to rush out.

Shen Jingyu could tell at a glance that these wild wolves had been deliberately fed raw meat.

The nature of the wolf is wild, and the wolf that has been fed raw meat is even more wild.

A lot of people were injured in this place just now, leaving a strong smell of blood.

These wild wolves are extremely hungry, grinning, showing their fangs, looking for their prey.

The eyes of these wolves glowed green, and they gathered around the four people.

Shen Jingyu held Chu Ning's hand tightly and said in a low voice, "I'll deal with it in a while, you take Shen Ye to find a chance to get on the helicopter!"

"Yeah." Although Chu Ning agreed.

But in her heart, she would never leave Shen Jingyu and leave alone.

A wolf rushed over, Shen Jingyu raised his hand, shot it out, the bullet pierced its head, and its body fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the enraged wolves came forward to besiege.

Shen Jingyu fired continuously, hitting them in the head with incomparable precision every time, and in a short while, he solved a dozen of them.

However, he ran out of bullets.

These wolves have never attacked Shen Muhan.

Because he had Senhan's murderous intent on his body, it was not the murderous intent of Shen Jingyu.

It's a wild, dehumanizing murderous.

That was the murderous aura that Shen Muhan had personally torn through countless wolves for so many years.

When Shen Jingyu had no bullets, the wolves rushed towards them.

Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning both took out their daggers.

With their skill, it is no problem to support it.

But Shen Ye was already injured, not to mention that he usually neglects to exercise his skills, which is far from Shen Jingyu.

Shen Jingyu wanted to protect Shen Ye, but also feared that Chu Ning would be injured. After a while, she felt a little bit dwarfed by the left and the right.

The sharp dagger in his hand also began to curl up, and when it stabbed at the wolf, the effect was greatly reduced.

The wolf seemed to be aware of Shen Jingyu's situation, gave up attacking Shen Ye and Chu Ning, and flew towards Shen Jingyu.

Shen Jingyu blocked its attack. However, there was no sharp dagger anymore. When it pierced the neck of the wolf, it only caused ordinary scars, which was not fatal.

The wolf barked his teeth, opened his mouth and bit towards Shen Jingyu's neck!


"Big Brother!"

Chu Ning and Shen Ye rushed forward at the same time, but they were blocked by other wolves, and there was no time to rescue them.

What's more, Chu Ning's dagger had already been wounded, and could not stop the attack of the wolf at all.

At this moment, Shen Muhan rushed over.

Feeling his breath, the wolf's movements became stiff, but it only slowed down.

Shen Muhan had already grasped the upper and lower jaws of the wolf with both palms, moving his hands up and down, and the wolf directly broke the upper and lower jaws.

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