Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1166: You must use pain in exchange for hate

However, Chu Ning will not spend any time on people like Shen Muhan.

Turning his head, Chu Ning guarded Shen Jingyu's side, took the food, and handed it to his lips: "Jingyu, you have something to eat first. The rescue here cannot be completed in a moment. Taking care of your body is the most important thing."


Shen Muhan went to the hospital.

There is a wound on his hand, the doctor will give him anesthetic and stitch it up.

He reached out his hand to stop it: "Sew it directly."

"This, Young Master Han, it will be very painful if you don't use anaesthetic. Few people can bear such pain..."

Shen Muhan remained unmoved and closed his eyes.

Seeing his firm attitude, the doctor had no choice but to start sutures.

Shen Muhan's expression did not change a little.

There is pain, but if you keep the pain, you can clearly remember the pain you have experienced.

For several years, survived and fought hard in the wolves, and survived.

From then on, he will no longer have feelings.

Yes, only the endless hatred of Shen Fengshan and the obsession of revenge.

Perhaps it was because the fight with Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning just now made him see his softheartedness for a moment.

He didn't want to admit that there was such an emotion in his heart.

Therefore, we must use pain in exchange for hatred.

Anyone related to Shen Fengshan should not have a good life.

"Mu Han! Are you okay?" He Peishan walked over and asked with concern as she watched Shen Muhan stitching together.

"Yeah." Shen Muhan's voice was cold.

He Peishan said softly, "Thank you, my dad's situation has stabilized. If you hadn't come to pick him up in person, he might be what would happen."

Seeing that he was silent, He Peishan continued: "Also, my mother had a miscarriage... The doctor said that she had taken drugs that shouldn't be taken. And she was seriously injured. I really didn't expect that Chu Ning would give it. Give my mom the abortion medicine. She is so bad."

Shen Muhan glanced at He Peishan.

Although he did not see what Chu Ning gave to He Peishan, according to common sense, at that time, Chu Ning gave her a bandage.

As for drugs or something, who would carry abortion drugs at that time?

Especially Chu Ning, He Birong giving birth to a child, what is at stake with her?

On the contrary, He Peishan is the one who is the least willing to see He Birong give birth to a son.

But Shen Muhan was too lazy to speak.

"Mu Han, my mother has even had her uterus removed now. It was Chu Ning who caused it. I really didn't expect that she would do such a thing to my mother." He Peishan cried in low pain.

Shen Muhan looked calm and indifferent, and looked at the open space in the distance indifferently.

He Peishan cried for a while, feeling very boring, so she also put away her tears and stopped crying.

She only noticed the scars on Shen Muhan's body at this time, mottled and criss-crossed, looking shocking.

"Mu Han, this..." He Peishan wanted to ask what was going on.

Those scars seem to be quite a few years old, and I don't know when they got them.

The doctor whispered: "Shao Han, the wound has been stitched up."

Shen Muhan took the clothes and put them on, not caring about the wound at all.

After he went out, he walked straight to He Boyuan's ward.

The subordinates explained to him He Boyuan's condition in his ear: "Don't be stimulated for the time being, otherwise it will endanger your life..."

He raised his lips indifferently: "Really?"

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