Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 117: The crusted wound was torn again

"What you grab can never be yours!" He Ning's hand tightened, biting her lip slightly.

"Then I tell you, the company will always be ours. At that time, we will remove all the imprints of your existence. The entire company will have nothing to do with you. From now on, the He family will not have you, and the company will not have you... …" He Manni put out a cruel word, and here at Hening, she made up for her face fiercely.

She thought that in this way, she really defeated He Ning and got everything.

He Ning didn't want to hear her say one more word. Before she finished speaking, he hung up the phone and pulled her into the blacklist.

A message came in with a ding of the phone. He Ning took a look and got up and went straight to the hospital.

From the doctor, she got an appraisal report. Seeing the content on it, there was a kind of naturalness as expected, but she was directly hit by the pain of the heart.

The above shows that He Manni and her are not related by biological sisters. On the contrary, He Manni and Chen Fufen are the actual mother-daughter relationship!

These words stung He Ning's eyes. She couldn't believe it, but she had to believe it!

He Ning is not a fool. Ever since He Mannie broke with her, her relationship with Chen Fufen suddenly became very good. She had such intuition and premonition in her heart.

There is a big difference between Hermani and her appearance. She used to think that it was a relationship of "fraternal twins" as others called it.

When Hermanni destroyed all her trust and reduced everything to zero, she naturally had doubts in her heart, and would never treat these things as mere coincidences.

So she secretly collected the hairs of He Manni and Chen Fufen and sent them to the hospital for identification.

Holding the test report, He Ning's knuckles were slightly white.

They not only deceived her, but also deceived their mother!

She could not speculate what the specific things were, but she could imagine that in order to get everything from her mother and the He family, Chen Fufen did not hesitate to put her biological daughter in her mother's place, deceiving her that this is a pair of twins. .

It seems that even He Hongtao knew it, otherwise it would be impossible to deceive him for so many years.

Back at the villa, He Ning sat on the ground, holding the test report, pain spreading in her heart.

Although the trust between Hermani and Hermanni had long since collapsed, and the feelings had been lost in smoke, all the deception was torn apart, just like a scab that had just been crusted, it was torn again, and fresh blood oozes.

The heart-wrenching feeling swept all over and buried her.

She buried her head between her legs until Zhang Haotian called: "Miss He, please come to my office tomorrow. I am very interested in your plan. If there is no accident, our cooperation should be no problem. "

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhang." He Ning's mood has undergone turbulent changes, but her voice seems a little trembling.

She put down the phone, the sky outside the window was already dark, and the feeling of heartache had not yet eased.

Aunt Chen is planning to go upstairs and invite He Ning to come down for dinner.

Shen Jingyu stopped her. He walked slowly to the door of the room. He Ning, who had always been used to locking the door, was just concealed this time.

As he walked in, the room was pitch black, and there was a depressive breath.

With a slight frown, Shen Jingyu walked in the direction of He Ning based on feelings, and saw He Ning curled up into a small ball.

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