Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1180: Did he come out to give a false testimony?

He Peishan wanted to say more, He Birong stopped her: "Shanshan, give it to the lawyer."

This time, Birong He is very confident and must win the case.

Since the Shen Family wants to help Chu Ning, defeating Chu Ning this time will also defeat the Shen Family to a certain extent. Why not do it?

The court officially opened.

The He family's lawyers presented various evidences.

Coupled with He Birong's haggard image and He Peishan's crying, the people in the auditorium couldn't help feeling grief for them.

"This is an innocent child, a child whom General He has high hopes for, a new life! And this life was ended in Chu Ning's hands! In any case, people who make mistakes must pay a price!" He Jia The lawyer, rightly speaking.

"Yes, the murderer must be punished severely! That is an innocent life."

"Even if Chu Ning married into the Shen family, she couldn't do this kind of thing."

There were discussions in the gallery.

Attorney Nie said in response to the other party’s statement: “He Peishan is He Birong’s biological daughter and an immediate family member. When providing evidence, she may be biased. Her testimony is not fully accepted.”

"Plaintiff, do you have any new evidence?" the judge asked Xiang He's lawyer.

"Yes. At that time, there were many people at the scene. In addition to He Peishan, there were others who saw with their own eyes that Chu Ning handed the medicine to He Birong. Please bring new witnesses, He Li and others!"

He Li and a few of his classmates were brought over together.

The lawyers introduced their identities and where they were at the time of the incident.

In the auditorium, I saw a few young boys, handsome, and I believed them a little bit more.

"He Li?" He Yiming and Ye Shu couldn't help being stunned.

They don't know He Li very well, but if he and his classmates testify together, then it will be very unfavorable to Chu Ning's situation.

Chu Ning also recognized his identity.

Shen Jingyu frowned slightly: "Why did he come?"

Chu Ning shook his head slightly.

As a witness of the He family, He Li's testimony will definitely be biased towards the He family.

The current situation is really unfriendly to Chu Ning.

Because of the fact that He Li attended as a witness, the He family kept it secret.

That's why even Lawyer Nie knew about this situation.

He looked at Shen Jingyu and asked him with his eyes whether to apply for an adjournment first and discuss the countermeasures.

Shen Jingyu nodded and agreed.

The court is temporarily adjourned.

He Birong and He Peishan are absolutely inevitable.

He Jiaojiao said happily, "Miss, it seems that He Li's appearance made Chu Ning and the others terrified."

"Of course. If He Li's evidence is accepted, Chu Ning will not be able to escape from prison this time." The He family's lawyer is also quite impressive.

Winning this lawsuit, he can also make a name for himself in the Dragon Empire, stepping on the reputation of Lawyer Nie one step further.

After all, He Peishan said with a guilty conscience, “No matter what, it’s great to be able to comfort my unborn brother. Mom, people can’t come back from death, so don’t worry too much, take your body seriously.

On the contrary, Shen Muhan has not said a word, his expression is cold, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

Shen's side.

Ye Shu couldn't help but said, "What's wrong with He Li? Is he trying to give a fake certificate? I think the He family is really crazy. I can think of this kind of idea!"

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