Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1193: What is the relationship

"Well, well, I'm afraid you young people are not used to being with our old people." The old lady Shen nodded happily.

"Why? From Granny Shen, I can learn a lot of the principles of being in the world. My parents are eager for me to come with you often." Fu Meirou is very humble.

Through this relationship with the old lady Shen, she is still very sure of winning Shen Jingyu.

That Chu Ning, no matter how powerful it is, I am afraid that she will not be able to break the relationship between Mrs. Shen.

Mrs. Shen nodded: "Then you guys will stay for dinner today, and I would like young children to come over."

Fu Mei softly nodded her head.

Outside, the housekeeper saw Shen Jingyu coming with Lele, and he was so happy that he could not stabilize his pace: "Old lady, master, madam, the young master is back with the young master!"

"Ah, is my Lele coming?" The old lady Shen stood up immediately when she heard it.

Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen, who were sitting on the side just now, hadn't talked to Fu Meirou much, and got up right now.

Shen Ye upstairs even rushed down: "My eldest brother and Lele are here?"

Mrs. Shen waited for others, and greeted them together.

Shen Ye ran in the forefront and ran out like the wind a long time ago.

Fu Meirou then remembered that some time ago, Shen Jingyu had heard about a biological son.

Because she has very little personal relationship with Shen Jingyu, she is completely unfamiliar with this child.

Only know that there is this person, but even the name is less than heard.

"I don't know, what is the relationship between Chu Ning and this child?" Fu Meirou said subconsciously.

Seeing the Shen family attaches so much importance to the child, the alarm bells ring in her heart.

Jiang Yue said immediately: "Cousin, I checked, this child has nothing to do with Chu Ning. Chu Ning has only recently appeared next to Master Shen, and Lele is more than three years old. I heard that, at the beginning. It was Chu Ning who took the initiative to seduce and lure Master Shen."

Fu Meirou felt a little relieved.

It doesn't matter.

In that case, there will be more opportunities for her.

"Go, let's go out and have a look." Fu Meirou took Jiang Yue and Pan Zhihua out together.

Seeing a pink and tender dumpling, held in her hand by Shen Jingyu, she looks very cute and cute. When she is not smiling, she looks exactly like Shen Jingyu.

Shen Ye ran over and hugged him: "Did Lele miss Uncle? What do you want to eat and play? Wherever you want to go, Uncle will accompany you!"

With Lele, even his favorite elder brother was left out.

The old lady Shen also went to see Lele.

Both Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen were extremely happy when they saw Lele for the first time.

Although Shen Jingyu is not their biological blood, they have devoted their incomparable hard work since childhood and raised them as their biological sons.

In my heart, he had long regarded Shen Jingyu as his own.

Seeing this child now, exactly the same as Shen Jingyu when he was a child, Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen couldn't help feeling very much.

Ding Qinen was even more happy with tears, completely shocked by the joy of holding his grandson.

Although Lele is usually less than seeing people, she is very familiar with Shen Ye and Mrs. Shen.

The more sensitive and sensitive he is, the more he can feel the whole family's affection for him from the bottom of his heart.

So Lele let Shen Ye hold him, and when the old lady came over, he slapped and kissed the old lady's face.

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