Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1203: Shen Jingyu is so good, go and marry him

"But why can Shen Jingyu be so good? He can treat Chu Ning that way?" He Peishan is really unbalanced.

The original joy and superiority of marrying Shen Muhan all disappeared.

Shen Jingyu can accompany Chu Ning to buy a wedding dress, and can accompany her to do any trivial things, let her know that that kind of love can't deceive people.

Even if she mocked Chu Ning for not getting love, as a woman, how could she not know, what kind of thoughtfulness and love a man can give?

"Shen Jingyu is so good, go and marry him."

A negative voice sounded.

He Peishan looked back and saw Shen Muhan leaning against the door holding his arms.

His features are handsome, with sharp edges and corners, and his straight nose and sword eyebrows make him full of masculinity.

Just looking at it is fascinating.

However, the look and tone of the eyes are the same cold, without the slightest temperature.

"Mu Han, I didn't mean that, I just want you to accompany me more..." He Peishan was speechless for a while, but he didn't expect his complaint to be heard by his own ears.

Mrs. He quickly said: "Mu Han, Shanshan is just a moment of anger. You accompany her out to meet the guests."

"I don't bother to see it." Shen Muhan rebuffed.

He has precise goals in his life and career, and everything that can't help him achieve his goals is meaningless.

He would never waste his time in such a place of nothingness.

Not only He Peishan was hurt by this tone, but the old lady He also had a pain in her chest: "Mu Han, what are you talking about? This is your wedding with Shanshan. What is meant to be too lazy to see? You must go out to see you today!"

"Why?" Shen Muhan hurled out a word, turning around to leave.

He Peishan stomped with anger.

Mrs. He shouted sharply: "Mu Han, this is your attitude before you get married. How did you propose to marry me?"

"What was the attitude back then, what attitude I have now. I haven't changed, it's you who changed."

Old lady He and He Peishan were taken aback at the same time.

In the beginning, Shen Muhan had always been such a lukewarm attitude.

He has never shown much kindness to He Peishan.

The marriage was discussed by He Birong and Shen Sihai, and everything had a sense of rushing in the He family.

He Peishan took the initiative to even hold hands and kiss these intimate actions.

Except for that time at the auction, he took the initiative to help He Peishan auction things, but at the rest of the time, he could not see any initiative.

Even, he has no temperature at all, nothing at all.

It's been so cold all the time, as if nothing lingers in the heart.

Mrs. He is anxious: "Today is your wedding, you must give it to me. Shen Muhan, if you don't go..."

"How? Are you retiring? Feel free to." Shen Muhan inserted his hands into his pants pockets and turned to leave.

Mrs. He shivered all over.

He Peishan cried bitterly: "Grandma, what should I do? How could he treat me like this? Grandma..."

Mrs. He was also upset. Obviously, Shen Muhan would not listen to her at all.

This not only means that he will lose face to He Peishan at the wedding.

In the future, whether he can focus on the He family with all his heart is also a huge question.

However, now that all the guests are seated, everything is proceeding as usual.

Do you regret marriage? For what reason?

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