Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 121: Why does she get the investment?

This was arranged by Zhang Haotian himself. He said that today's guests are very honorable, and there should be no negligence, and they must be personally invited.

The secretary naturally takes it very seriously.

Seeing the secretary rushing over in a hurry, He Manni thought that she was here to receive her, and said cordially: "Secretary Han, it's really hard for you to come and meet us in person."

She glanced at He Ning and said with a smile: "He Ning, don't busy yourself, go back first. Mr. Zhang will never cooperate with you."

He Ning stood in place neither humble nor arrogant, and said, "Whoever Mr. Zhang wants to see, you don't count."

"Why doesn't it count as I said? Since Mr. Zhang wants to cooperate with us, it is absolutely impossible to cooperate with you! He Ning, I advise you to stop daydreaming!" He Manni can't wait to push He Ning out, but here is someone else She can’t make too much trouble on the site.

"Mr. Han, let's go upstairs, we can't let Mr. Zhang wait for a long time." He Manni said to Secretary Han.

Secretary Han’s signature smile carried a trace of estrangement: "Mr. He, Miss He, our boss said that the person he is going to see today is Miss He, Miss He Jia."

"This...didn't we have reached a preliminary agreement yesterday?" He Manni said uncomfortably, "Did you make a mistake? How could he see He Ning?"

"Miss He, please." Secretary Han walked towards He Ning and politely made a please gesture inside.

He Ning followed Secretary Han, and He Manni flushed with anger: "Mr. Zhang, we want to see Mr. Zhang in person!"

"You can wait here first." Secretary Han said with a slight smile, leading He Ning upstairs.

He Manni's face turned from red to blue: "Dad, how can this Zhang Haotian be like this? He obviously said yesterday that he would give priority to investing in us..."

"Okay, stay calm. He just met He Ning, and he didn't really want to cooperate with her. We still have a chance." He Hongtao said affirmatively. Why does He Ning fight for Zhang Haotian?

Is it due to her sickness? He Hongtao really doesn't believe that He Ning has this ability.

He Manni also calmed down: "Yes, Zhang Haotian will not choose her. Why is she? The equity and management rights are in our hands. What capital does she have?"

The process of He Ning meeting Zhang Haotian was very smooth, and the cooperation was finalized within a few minutes, and he will invest in all projects of He Ning in the future.

The contract that originally took at least a few days to draw up, Zhang Haotian had already rushed last night, finalizing the detailed rules overnight, and respectfully waiting for He Ning to sign.

In less than twenty minutes, He Ning came downstairs, and Secretary Han still sent her down respectfully.

Seeing He Ning coming downstairs so quickly, both He Hongtao and He Manni couldn't hide the pride in their eyes.

Such a large amount of investment cooperation requires at least several rounds of negotiations, and it will take at least a few days to reach a final agreement. He Ning is down in ten minutes. Obviously, Mr. Zhang is very dissatisfied with her.

He Manni smiled with a complacent smile, and said, "Ah, He Ning, I got down so soon. Mr. Zhang is really out of interest for you, right?"

"I don't need to report to you about my affairs." He Ning raised her chin and gave He Manni a cold profile.

"Of course there is no need to report to me, because a loser like you has no face to report to me." Hermanni couldn't hide her pride.

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