Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1210: What does this mean?

Shen Muhan didn't say a word, instead he curled his lips and smiled: "What if I want to see you?"

Chu Ning took out his gun and pointed it at him: "You dare to say half a word in a while, don't blame my gun for being rude."

Outside, Fu Meirou came with He Peishan and others.

Someone rushed to notify Shen Jingyu.

Fu Meirou said in an anxious tone: "I don't know where Mu Han will go. I asked him to come to you just now. Who knows that he didn't come. If something happens to him..."

He Peishan was even more anxious. She gave the medicine. Shen Muhan is not there. What should I do if I'm with other women?

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Fu Meirou comforted, "Someone seems to see him coming in this direction..."

Fu Meirou specially waited for Shen Muhan to come here for a while, then went to He Peishan in the name of caring, and then went all the way to here.

She has calculated the time. At about this time, something shameful happened to Shen Muhan and Chu Ning...

At the door, Fu Meirou opened the door directly.

There are indeed Shen Muhan and Chu Ning in the room.

Moreover, there are only two of them.

However, there was no trace of taking medicine on Shen Muhan's face.

Obviously, Fu Meirou saw that Shen Muhan drank the medicine He Peishan had taken with his own eyes.

He Peishan also confirmed that he was drugged...

"Mu Han, why are you here?" He Peishan was extremely angry and jealous when he saw Shen Muhan and Chu Ning together.

Although they didn't do anything, Shen Muhan was willing to stay with Chu Ning alone...

Jiang Yue and Shen Xuan couldn't help but said, "What? Didn't you say that you are very busy? You are here? Couldn't it be Chu Ning this woman who seduced and lured Mu Han (big brother)?"

"Why, this is the training room, can't I stay?" Shen Mu asked in a cold voice.

Chu Ning spread his hands: "So what are you guys doing with great fanfare?"

Fu Meirou didn't expect such a result.

How could this be?

Shen Muhan has no physical problems, and Chu Ning is also indifferent?

Is there a problem with the medication? Absolutely not.

At least, when she saw Shen Muhan enter the training room, her mood changed obviously and her footsteps staggered.

"Since it's okay, that's the best. Just now Shanshan said that there was something important to discuss with Mu Han, and Shanshan didn't wait for Mu Han to worry about it. I really didn't expect that Mu Han, you are with Chu Ning... "Fu Meirou has a gentle and generous smile on her face.

Chu Ning's face sank and asked, "What does Miss Fu mean? What do you mean by being with Shen Muhan?"

"I didn't mean anything else, just literally." Fu Meirou continued to smile softly.

"Listen well, Shen Muhan came here to find He Peishan, who happened to be absent. Of course, since he is here, I didn't do nothing with him... I just tried the marksmanship." Chu Ning drew. He pulled out the gun, pulled the bolt, and aimed at Fu Meirou.

"What are you going to do?" Fu Meirou changed her face.

"I want to try marksmanship. Miss Fu is ready." After Chu Ning finished speaking, he shot without blinking.

Fu Meirou was originally wearing a military cap, and Chu Ning shot her hat to the ground with a shot. The bullet almost passed her hair, and the smell of a strand of scorched hair appeared on the tips of everyone's noses.

Everyone was shaking with shock.

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