Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1225: Sleeping advertisers pull investment

Chu Ning walked out, watching Shen Ting leave with tears streaming down her face.

Really, after humiliating others, she still has tears on her face?

She followed Shen Ting and saw that she went to the hospital. It turned out that Mrs. Zheng was in the hospital.

Chu Ning asked someone to find out. Mrs. Zheng was hospitalized, but Zheng Dafu had never been to the hospital even once.

No wonder Shen Ting was so angry about Zheng Dafu's affairs.

But obviously, Zheng Dafu has nothing to do with Ye Shu, how did Shen Ting get in touch with them?

Chu Ning was about to leave when she saw Shen Xuan bringing something to visit Mrs. Zheng.

She gradually understood something in her heart. I'm afraid that this matter could not be separated from Shen Xuan and Shi Hui.

Because of the family business of the Shen family, Shen Sihai and Shi Hui have often been in the middle to corrupt Shen Fengshan's reputation everywhere, making Shen Ting and Shen Ke full of hatred for the Shen family over the years.

This time, it was mostly related to them.

When Chu Ning came out of the hospital, Xiao Yao called: "Chuning, the stock price of the TV station has fallen so badly today. I checked and found that someone corrupted Ye Shu on the Internet, saying that she was destroying other people's families. Some even said that Our TV station relies on the presenter and project leader to sleep advertisers to raise investment..."

Because the most important personnel of Sanjiang TV Station are women, and Gong Yunxi, Ye Shu and others have always performed very well. Once this statement came out, many people who eat melon immediately believed it.

The reputation of the entire TV station is currently in an extremely bad state.

"Xiao Yao, don't worry, I'm already dealing with this matter."

"Hmm. Does that require me to do anything?"

"No, you just need to do the job at hand first." Chu Ning exhorted.

It seems that Shi Hui's goal is not only herself, but also the TV station.

No wonder you have to start with Ye Shu first.

Chu Ning called Ye Shu. Sure enough, Ye Shu reluctantly said: "It is difficult to carry out several projects at present. The investors I interviewed were supposed to meet and discuss in detail. But the wife of someone else's family. I heard that I was cooperating with me and they all have big opinions. I am afraid these investors will switch to other TV stations."

Ye Shu has now become a scourge.

The wives of those investors are very defensive against women like her in order to maintain their families.

Chu Ning asked Gong Ze to help find out who was Zheng Dafu's little lover.

Miyazawa wanted to investigate such things very quickly.

The photos of Zheng Dafu and Yuan Yuan were quickly sent to Chu Ning.

Yuan Yuan, as a third- and fourth-tier star, has a tendency to enter the second-tier.

Recently, I am recording a life-style reality show on Sanjiang TV Station.

No wonder Zheng Dafu will often appear on Sanjiang TV.

Moreover, Zheng Dafu also invested some shares in Yuan Yuan's company. Yuan Yuan is famous, and he can also make profits.

He is still holding Shen Ting's mother and daughter's money continuously into this company.

This is why he is reluctant to expose his relationship with Yuan Yuan even if he offends Ye Shu.

Because this little lover is also related to his own investment and income.

After getting a picture of the relationship between Zheng Dafu and Yuan Yuan, Chu Ning and Ye Shu rushed to the ward where Mrs. Zheng was located.

Mrs. Zheng was lying on the hospital bed and Shen Ting was taking care of her.

Seeing Chu Ning and Ye Shu coming over, Shen Ting's expression changed and said, "What are you doing here?"

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