Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1227: Has such great potential

When the He family collapsed, all military power came to Shen Muhan's hands.

It seems that there are not many people, and He Yiming is regarded as the respectable General He in the past.

He sighed lowly and held Ye Shu's palm.


"Although the matter is easy to solve, the damage to Big Brother and Ye Shu is really much..." Chu Ning sighed.

"How can I help?" Shen Jingyu asked softly.

Since the accident, Chu Ning and Ye Shu were solving it by themselves.

He didn't ask him to interfere.

Chu Ning's eyes lit up: "It can be a great help. I don't need you to come forward, just borrow a few of you to use it."

"Okay." Shen Jingyu smiled dozingly, "As much as you want."

Sanjiang TV Station.

Because the impact of Ye Shu's incident was really bad, leading to numerous criticisms from the entire TV station.

The audience complained that they used Ye Shu's inferior female anchor.

The stock price fell accordingly.

The new investors refused to invest.

The original investors were afraid that their investment would be in vain, and they all planned to divest.

The meeting room was full of investors, waiting to talk to Xiao Yao and Ye Shu about divestment.

Gong Yunxi also gave up preparing for the wedding, and temporarily appeared to help.

When Ye Shu appeared, it caused a lot of discussion.

Some ugly words came harshly.

However, seeing that He Yiming was accompanied by her, everyone was silent.

After all, when faced with He Yiming's disrespect, few people can do it.

They only dared to talk behind their backs.

"Miss Ye, we are here to talk about divestment. Please be considerate of our difficulties. We invest to make money, and we don't have the courage to accompany you to death..."

"Yeah, Miss Ye has too many criticisms on TV now. We are also a small company and can't afford to lose so much."

"Miss Ye, please talk to us. We are willing to compensate according to the contract, but we don't want to continue investing anymore."

Although he did not dare to be disrespectful to He Yiming, no one dared to care about money matters.

Ye Shu smiled slightly, and said: "The divestment matter can be discussed, but I will deal with some other matters before I talk to you."

"Miss Ye, don't perfuse us..." an investor said immediately.

"How come?" Ye Shu smiled and shook his head.

Gong Yunxi said to the side: "Miss Ye, we have received investors from the United States."

Another person said: "Ms. Ye, there is a makeup brand in Italy that has directly signed a contract with the TV station for the next three years."

"Miss Ye, there are several Jingyuan investors who are waiting for you to meet."

These investors who were about to divest were stunned when they heard this. Is this too pediatric?

Ye Shu thought they would give up withdrawing funds if they create a scene where the TV station is prosperous?

They will not be so easy to deceive.

However, as these people reported, a lot of people really came in outside.

There are blonde Americans and Italians, and there are real investors in Jingyuan.

Some of these people are really familiar faces, the kind of people who often appear at investment conferences.

"Everyone, please come in and talk." Ye Shu said with a smile.

She and He Yiming invited these guests into the office.

Those investors who wanted to divest were all trembling.

So many business giants invest in Sanjiang TV?

Could it be that Sanjiang TV Station really has such great potential, right?

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