Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1232: Save me

Shen Ting paused, said nothing, and walked away.

After returning, the only thing she wanted to do was to persuade her mother to divorce as soon as possible, and then ask Zheng Dafu to vomit all of her property.

As for Mrs. Shen, she knew she had no face to visit her old man.

She owes too much to the old man.

"Actually, you have been merciful to Shen Ting in this matter, right?" Shen Jingyu asked when he got home.

Otherwise, Shen Ting would not be able to retreat all over.

"Yeah, who made her the Shen family? I checked her, she is a good person, just a bit too partial and partial." Chu Ning is not willing to be an enemy of everyone.

Some people are still worth saving.

"Thank you for grandma." Shen Jingyu said gently, curling her lips.

Chu Ning smiled.

Turns out he could see it.

Shen Jingyu rubbed her hair: "I don't have much friendship with Shen Ting, but she is grandma's granddaughter after all. Grandma has always felt ashamed of her second uncle and her, and has always wanted to ease the relationship with her. However, she only believes in Shi Hui. After this incident, she will probably think more about it."

"I hope so." Chu Ning smiled and nodded.


After learning about Shen Ting, Mrs. Shen kept sighing: “It’s not easy for the mother and daughter. I used to remarry my second daughter-in-law because I didn’t want her to remain a widow in Shen’s house forever. I don’t like it, but where is she willing to listen to me?"

"Grandma, you have done your best." Chu Ning said softly.

"Qin En, let someone give them money to their mother and daughter, at least let's take care of the illness first." said the old lady Shen.

While speaking, Gu Yunchen ran in.

Obviously the same age as Shen Jingyu, but his temperament is similar to Shen Ye's, walking with wind.

"Grandma Shen, please help me." Gu Yunchen said impatiently as soon as he ran in.

Seeing that Chu Ning was also there, he said hurriedly: "Chuning, let grandma save me."

"The famous doctor Gu also sometimes asks for help? Shouldn't we say such things?" Chu Ning couldn't help being amused when he saw him.

"What happened?" Old lady Shen asked kindly.

Gu Yunchen sat next to her and said, "My parents didn't know what was wrong, so they let me go on a blind date with Shen Xuan. What's so good about this? It's not that they don't know each other. Grandma, help me tell my parents Or tell Shen Xuan's parents to let them give up this plan."

His mind is always on medicine, and the rest are optional.

Unexpectedly, this kind of blind date would happen to him.

Gu Yunchen's parents are also doctors and have been busy since childhood, so He Birong took care of him at the beginning.

When the father and mother of Gu saw that his son was getting older, he became anxious. Shi Hui took the initiative to mention that, of course, he immediately let his son go on a blind date.

Although Shen Sihai and Shen Fengshan have been fighting for the power position of the Shen Group, they are at odds with each other.

However, in a large family with many brothers and sisters, which one is not so?

So they didn't think there was any problem with letting Gu Yunchen and Shen Xuan go on a blind date.

Maybe you can even mediate the relationship between Shen Sihai and Shen Fengshan in the middle.

Gu Yunchen didn't have as much as his parents thought.

The only thing he thought about was that he didn't want to have a blind date! Don't want to waste limited time on unlimited love!

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