Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1235: How dare you come to obstruct?

Also, in the past two decades, Shen Sihai has been secretly developing power in secret. Now that he has the post of Vice President, what he needs is not power, but more money.

Therefore, the man's family, it is best to have strong financial resources.

In other words, like Gu's family, although they don't have much money, they have a wide range of contacts, and some are ways to raise money.

Mrs. Shen knew that her four sons were too ambitious.

The whole family is ambitious.

She said: "Since there are choices like Chu Zhuohang and Quan Silu, then don't involve Gu Yunchen in it. That kid is too sincere, and will only treat illnesses and save people, and is incompatible with the rich and powerful. So..."

Shi Hui sneered, and put away her tenderness: "The old lady is to take care of Shen Xuan's business? Or do you want to help Gu Yunchen? Is it your old man's meaning, or Gu Yunchen's own meaning?"

"I just don't think the two children have the same personalities." The old lady Shen couldn't speak too clearly.

So as not to bring trouble to Gu Yunchen.

Shi Hui was very upset: "Old lady, Shen Jingyu and Shen Ye are your grandchildren, and Shen Xuan is also your granddaughter. What kind of person we have to choose for blind date is a matter for us and each other. It’s not up to you. Butler, see off!"

She was indeed very embarrassed and angry.

Even if the old lady doesn't help, she dare to stop?

Although Shi Hui may not be worthy of Gu Yunchen, old lady, what do you mean by doing this? Doesn't it make the vice president lose face?

The old lady Shen did not take her anger to heart, stood up and left.

In short, she has already said what she said. When the time comes, if others don't give Shen Sihai face, she will have nothing to say.

In fact, she can completely ignore this matter, if it weren't for Gu Yunchen to beg to come here...

When Mrs. Shen left, Shi Hui was so angry that she fell something.

"The old lady's eyes are too biased. She meant to say that we are not even worthy of Gu's family?"

Shen Xuan walked out and comforted: "Mom, forget it, it's not a foregone conclusion. Leave her alone."

"I just can't swallow this breath. She has been partial to Shen Fengshan all her life and gave them the entire family wealth. Have you ever thought about us?"

Shen Xuan also squeezed her fist fiercely.

They have been educated by their father and mother since they were a few siblings, and they must work hard to seize everything from Shen Fengshan at that time.

Also take revenge on Shen Fengshan's hatred that drove them away.

Since the old lady Shen stood stubbornly on their side, she was really damned!

Shi Hui put away her anger and said to the housekeeper: "The blind date arranged for the young lady starts with Gu Yunchen, then Chu Zhuohang, and then Quan Si Li."

Although a bit arrogant, with Shi Hui's strength today, it is not difficult to arrange a blind date with these young men.

In any case, the other party will give some face.

However, I didn't expect that the first one would eat a soft nail.

When the invitation came to Gu Yunchen, the Gu family regretfully told them that Gu Yunchen had gone to the United States because of an invitation from a global medical association, and it would take at least two months to come back.

Gu's father and Gu's mother were very polite and apologetic.

Let Shi Hui's breath fail.

Shen Xuan is also angry and out of nowhere.

Although we all know, Gu Yunchen has always disliked the invitation to participate in this kind of association.

But people are now going to improve their medical skills, what can you say?

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