Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1237: Don’t change, I’ll just sit here

"I heard that Young Master Chu, who is meeting with Miss Shen tonight, has businesses all over the world. Young Master Chu offered to go on a blind date, how can people sit in a room for dinner?" Pan Zhihua continued.

In fact, of course it was not Chu Zhuohang who initiated the blind date.

But the Shen family wanted this face, so they promoted it to the outside world.

Of course, they also knew that someone like Chu Zhuohang would definitely not expose it on the surface.

In the blind date market, if both parties are rich and powerful, the man will generally lower his posture slightly to give the other side a face.

When Shen Xuan heard this, she couldn't even curl her lips and smiled.

Pan Zhihua, this horse, made her very comfortable.

Pan Zhihua continued: "I heard that Doctor Gu also wanted to go on a blind date with Ms. Shen, but he was too busy. He really didn't have this blessing."

"Doctor Gu is busy with work, and he can understand." Shen Xuan said.

Only she herself knew what was going on. Of course, she wouldn't take the initiative to speak out and let herself lose face.

Gu Baoyan also heard what was said outside, and immediately knew why his eldest brother didn't have a blind date at all, and went straight to the United States to hide.

Who can afford such a big lady?

Chu Ning also heard the voices of people outside.

To be honest, she didn't care about Shen Xuan and He Jiaojiao.

But for Pan Zhihua, she hates it most.

Because Shen Xuan and He Jiaojiao offended themselves, and Pan Zhihua, the offending person was Lele!

For this kind of person, Chu Ning will never forgive.

She just picked up the handbag and stood up, and immediately said: "No change, I will sit here."

The manager was very happy to see that she was very good at talking just now.

But she didn't expect that she would sit back all at once.

The manager immediately pleaded: "Miss Chu, please help me, please. No matter what you ask you to tell me, as long as it can be done, we will do it right away."

"Why change positions?" Chu Ning asked with a light smile.

"Because the person from outside is Ms. Shen Xuan and Shen..." The manager didn't want it either.

Of course it's because the lady outside is too arrogant.

It is said that the Shen family is powerful, and the eldest lady outside relies on this power, but is unreasonable.

Last time, it was said that in a bar, the eldest lady ordered someone to smash the shop because other people's services were not adequate.

However, the boss above the bar owner didn't even dare to let go.

Do you dare to find someone at Shen's house? Do you dare to find someone from Shen Sihai?

If the other party is a daughter-in-law or something, they dare to make a fuss and come to ask for an explanation.

But this is the eldest surname Shen.

The manager wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Miss Chu..."

"I booked this position a long time ago. I arrived on time. You don't have the right to ask me to change positions. Please give me the menu." Chu Ning looked indifferent.

Oh, because she is Shen Xuan, do you want to let her? Why?

Seeing that the manager couldn't continue talking about this matter, he had to go out.

"Let's go, let's go in." Shen Xuan didn't even glance at the manager, thinking that the people inside would definitely give up his seat.

He Jiaojiao and Pan Zhihua both raised their legs and walked inside.

"This position must be given to us, without seeing who we are." He Jiaojiao said flatly.

"The people inside, if they knew that it was Miss Shen, they would have taken the initiative to let them out long ago." Pan Zhihua said with a smile.

Pan Zhihua pushed the door directly in.

The manager didn't stop him: "Miss Shen..."

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