Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1240: Still a family after all

"If you have time." Chu Zhuohang is still polite.

Seeing He Jiaojiao like this, Pan Zhihua was afraid that she would fall in love, and she would not be pleased by Shen Xuan, and said hurriedly: "In fact, Ms. Shen usually works a lot, but when she has time, she likes to invite friends together. If Master Chu is willing to appreciate her face, It could not be better."

Shen Xuan watched the performance of the two attendants silently, and said everything that was inconvenient for her to say.

And Chu Zhuohang's answer, although a little alienated, was still within the scope of her expectation.

It seems that today's blind date went quite smoothly.

Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan sat with their eyes and nose and heart in mind.

After Shen Xuan's performance was over, Gu Baoyan suddenly said, "Miss Shen must go to the American Manor. The manor of Chu's family is very large. Last time, Chu Ning and I were invited to ride a horse."

"What?" He Jiaojiao was the first to feel uncomfortable. Gu Baoyan and Chu Ning had actually been to the Chu family manor?

"What is it? We said that the Chu family is very good." Gu Baoyan said with a smile.

Shen Xuan glanced at Chu Zhuohang, enduring the discomfort in her heart: "I didn't expect that Young Master Chu has such a good relationship with Chu Ning and Baoyan."

But after thinking about it secretly, she understood that Chu Zhuohang must be so good to these two women because of the relationship between the Shen family and the Gu family.

Do they have this face on their own?

"I treat Chu Ning and Baoyan as my sisters." Chu Zhuohang said calmly, looking at Chu Ning with a gentle look.

Shen Xuan's nails were suddenly pinched into her palm.

She never expected that Chu Zhuohang had a real relationship with Chu Ning.

Fortunately, it is not a real sibling relationship, but in this way, the relationship is also very superficial.

Chu Ning is really annoying! She is everywhere!

"In fact, I have a good relationship with Chu Ning. From now on, after all, I will still be a family." Shen Xuan said with a smile, "Right, sister-in-law."

Chu Ning smiled and said nothing.

I used to keep saying that I was not worthy of Shen Jingyu, but now I know it's close to it?

The dishes are here.

Shen Xuan didn't say any more, greeted everyone to eat.

Originally, when she planned to have a warmer chat with Chu Zhuohang, He Jiaojiao and Pan Zhihua made excuses to leave.

In this way, she can be alone with Chu Zhuohang and cultivate her feelings.

Who knew everything was destroyed by Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan.

She was so angry that she could only endure it.

Shen Xuan gave Chu Zhuohang a piece of fish: "Master Chu, I heard that you love fish. The specialty of this restaurant happens to be fish. Look, it doesn't suit your taste."

Chu Zhuohang thanked him, then lowered his head to stab.

Shen Xuan looked at him earnestly, there are really not many men in this world who are so handsome even for probing.

What's more, everything is still so good.

What Gu Yunchen, what power and law, just get out of the way.

Especially Gu Yunchen, there is a bit of hatred hidden in her heart.

If she can be with Chu Zhuohang, she will let Gu Yunchen cry and regret in the future.

Seeing that Chu Zhuohang was patiently picking the thorns, his posture didn't seem like he wanted to eat it, but he had to pick up the fish that had the thorns to others.

There was a bit of excitement hidden in Shen Xuan's heart.

If Chu Zhuohang really pinned it to himself, it means that the blind date this time has been more than half a success.

He Jiaojiao and Pan Zhihua couldn't help but cast envious eyes at Shen Xuan.

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