Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1243: Shen Jingyu's murderous spirit

These paparazzi, to tell the truth, their qualifications are too low. If they were to know the identity of Chu Zhuohang, I am afraid they would not dare to come and shoot.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, so they have such courage.

Their car followed into a very secret place, and in the darkness, the paparazzi was gearing up with excitement.

When their car followed in, they brushed the ground, and the surroundings were as bright as daylight, and the lights directly illuminate their eyes.

A few paparazzi didn't have time to react at all, they were pushed to the ground and beaten off with a slap in the face.

Chu Zhuohang is doing serious business in the Dragon Empire, but it doesn't mean that no one is available to him.

"These people plan to grab the young master's car and kill them!"

"These people robbed violently, hit the police first, then call the police!"

There were shouts all around, and these people in Chu Zhuohang shouted louder than one, which meant that the other party was not well-intentioned anyway, and the fight was for nothing.

The paparazzi cried and screamed, saying that there was nowhere to be, and they were beaten to the sky.

"Don't fight, fight, we are not robbers, we are just paparazzi..." Someone finally cried.

"Following us all the way, I still dare to argue! I think these robbers are really impatient!" The sound of beating and scolding continued, endless.

These paparazzi are so painful, but no matter what they say, the other party only beats, but scolds.

He said that he wanted to call the police, but no one called.

The paparazzi can't wait to call them to call the police quickly, and hope the police can quickly rescue them.

And Chu Zhuohang's car had already left from another road.

Chu Ning slept lightly, these voices, don't disturb her.

The car arrived at the door of Shen Jingyu's residence.

Shen Jingyu came down to pick up people in slippers.

Chu Ning just drank a little too much, not too drunk, not to mention drinking so much water on the road.

But when she got out of the car, Chu Zhuohang hurriedly supported her, his movements were unavoidable.

Sure enough, he felt Shen Jingyu's murderous aura even more than ten meters away.

Obviously he is already Chu Ning's brother, isn't he? What kind of jealous is Shen Jingyu eating here?

When Shen Jingyu approached, Chu Zhuohang dared not stop sending people into his hands for a moment.

"Why are you?" Shen Jingyu thought that Chu Ning would come back with Gu Baoyan.

"I met by chance, so I ate dinner with Ningning."

Well, Shen Jingyu felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't even have dinner with Ningning.

Chu Zhuohang squeezed his brows, this man is too jealous, right? Just one dinner.

"You accompany Ningning back to bed, I still have something to do." Chu Zhuohang exhorted.

Shen Jingyu hugged Chu Ning horizontally and threw him back.

Chu Zhuohang didn't expect that a man would be like this when he was jealous. He would never be like Shen Jingyu in the future - but he didn't expect that he would be more jealous than Shen Jingyu in the future. Of course, this is his future.

After Chu Zhuohang returned, he took Xiao Zhan directly to the base camp of those paparazzi's homes.

It is said that it is the base camp, but in fact it is just a two-bedroom and one living room in a residential house with more than a dozen computers.

Paparazzi's work is shameless and very hard. It has never been a top job.

The boss of the paparazzi was very surprised to see Chu Zhuohang.

He didn't know Chu Zhuohang actually, but he knew the murderous people behind Chu Zhuohang.

[Have a nice weekend, everyone, if you have a recommendation, please vote for me, thanks.]

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