Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1246: Relationship, very secret

Butlers also have such a temperament to be able to become their stewards.

The only exception was Shen Muhan, who had only hatred in Shen Muhan's eyes.

"Forget it, don't care about Pan Zhihua. Let Fu Meirou know about this secretly, she will definitely take care of Pan Zhihua." Shen Xuan said.

Pan Zhihua, don't blame me for being cruel. It's really because of your superficial ability. You can't do such a small thing.

Without the ability, even if it is a dog, I will not raise it in vain.

Fu Meirou soon received news from Pan Zhihua.

Will Pan Zhihua arrange for someone to rob? What a joke.

In Fu Meirou's eyes, Pan Zhihua was a good guy who was strong in the outside world and didn't learn the ability of her mother Pan to manage affairs at all.

This is probably what caused the conflict between the wealthy daughters and daughters.

I just don't know who she provokes this time.

While talking, Pan Zhihua called.

"Miss, you save me. I just arranged for a few paparazzi to take pictures of Chu Ning and Chu Zhuohang. I didn't expect that they would put up one, slander me, and say that I would send someone to rob." Pan Zhihua Cried.

For a whole day, Shen Xuan did not show up, and the police did not believe her. The more she stayed, the more terrifying she became.

Fu Meirou could not help cursing secretly: "Stupid!"

Candidly photograph the two of them? Isn't it looking for death? Do you know how many people are secretly around Chu Zhuohang?

However, Chu Zhuohang actually has a leg with Chu Ning?

"Miss, I also want to help you, Chu Ning and Chu Zhuohang's affairs, the evidence is solid, they openly brow and behave very ostentatiously, they secretly hooked up while Lord Shen was away..."

Fu Meirou said, "I see, I will arrange for a lawyer to come over in a while. Why do you panic about such a small matter?"

Pan Zhihua cried. This time, he was moved.

Shen Xuan refused to care about her, but Fu Meirou was still willing to care about her.

She decided to follow Fu Meirou after she came out this time. Fu Meirou is nostalgic for any reason.

As for Shen Xuan, there is simply no friendship at all.

As soon as Fu Meirou was about to arrange for a lawyer to go there, someone outside delivered a message.

This was sent by Chu Zhuohang.

This thing was copied from the computer at the paparazzi's base camp last night.

There are a lot of things copied, but this one is very popular.

A photo, the picture shows Pan Zhihua leaning against a handsome and powerful man.

It should be taken by the boss of the paparazzi.

He has always cooperated with Pan Zhihua, presumably he also filmed a little of Pan Zhihua's privacy in order to protect himself.

Originally, this kind of thing is also human nature.

Pan Zhihua is also a woman who is almost 30 years old, and there is one who treats her boyfriend more normally.

But Fu Meirou was very angry. What she usually got angry was that she could put on a generous appearance, and ladies never got angry.

But this photo made her nose smoke out of anger!

Because the man in the photo is her man!

That was a member of her bodyguard, who was very powerful in her own right.

On the one hand, Fu Meirou also has physical needs. She likes Shen Jingyu and longs for the power of the Shen family, but there is absolutely no need to guard Shen Jingyu.

On the other hand, for such a close and personally protected man, she needs to exchange his body for more loyalty.

The relationship between the two is very secretive.

However, Pan Zhihua actually had a relationship with him!

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