Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1253: Is it a liar?

"Quan Sili!" Gu Baoyan widened his eyes, "Why are you here?"

"I'm worried about you, so I put down the phone and bought a plane ticket." Quan Siri's voice was also very nice.

Gu Baoyan plunged into his arms, crying and beating: "I thought you would never answer my phone anymore. Humph, aren't you going to have a blind date with Shen Xuan? Hey, so come back specifically, no. For me, right?"

"That's nothing." Quan Silu frowned.

Shen Jingyu pulled Chu Ning and withdrew from here.

"Let's go home first." Shen Jingyu said.

"Wait, wait, what if Baoyan suffers?" Chu Ning shook his head, "Dr. Gu is not there, we have to take responsibility for Baoyan. Otherwise, if there is something to her, how can we explain to Doctor Gu?"

This is also true, Shen Jingyu let Chu Ning stay.

However, it is not good to stay openly.

Chu Ning could only stand behind the door and listen to what they were talking about.

First of all, Chu Ning is not sure what identity this Quan Si Li is.

Secondly, I'm not sure if he is a scumbag, whether he will eat the bowl and watch the pot.

Shen Jingyu didn't have the habit of listening to the corner. He couldn't help laughing when he saw Chu Ning secretly.

Even if it was sneaky, it was so cute, and it was for friends, which made Shen Jingyu's lips curl up.

But after only a few minutes, Chu Ning straightened up and ran towards Shen Jingyu.

"What's the matter?" Shen Jingyu asked, "Did you make any results?"

"Nothing. Let's go." Chuning's face flushed.

Because the two people in the room hadn't quarreled a few words, and Chu Ning hadn't heard a few key words, they actually got off the sheets!

How does this make Chu Ning listen?

"Don't you want to stay to help Gu Baoyan?" Shen Jingyu took her hand and planned to go back.

Chu Ning pulled him in the opposite direction: "They are already..."

She knocked her head and told Gu Baoyan what she wanted to ask. Gu Baoyan didn't ask a word, but was held down by the man. It was too late for Chu Ning to stop it.

What else can she do?

Shen Jingyu saw that her little face blushed into an apple, and she also understood what was going on inside.

He coughed lightly: "Don't worry, the relationship between men and women will not cause Gu Baoyan to have some strengths and weaknesses."

"The point is, I don't know if this Quan Si Li is a liar?" Chu Ning saw that he was pretty good-looking, but he was too bookish, and he was too out of touch with the consortium.

She was afraid of this man, deceiving **** and deceiving money.

"It's been checked." Shen Jingyu continued to rub her hair. She was still wearing pajamas, her skin was white and pink, which was especially attractive.

His breathing is a little heavy, maybe he should do something else?

Shen Jingyu took off his jacket and put it on Chuning.

He can watch this kind of scenery by himself, but absolutely can't, let other men watch it.

Chu Ning was still thinking about Quan Si Li, and anxiously awaited the result.

In the afternoon, she called Gu Baoyan, and Gu Baoyan responded panting, as she heard that she was doing something embarrassing.

Chu Ning was too embarrassed to say more, and hung up the phone.

Shen Jingyu looked at the file by her side, stretched out his hand and took her into his arms.

In the evening, the person who went to check the identity of Quan Si Li finally returned the message and sent the file to Shen Jingyu's mobile phone.

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