Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1256: Quan Shao took the initiative to join in

Chu Ning laughed, these eight characters really fit Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan saw that Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan were also here, and she greeted her with a smile: "Miss Chu, Miss Gu, hello."

She saw that both Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan were holding a box, and they should have brought paintings.

Shen Xuan smiled and said, "You two also brought the paintings? It's better to unfold them. We can hang them up for everyone to enjoy."

Gu Baoyan originally brought a good painting, but now he doesn't bother to put it here and put it together with so many messy fake paintings.

She said, "I took it, but I don't want to take it out now."

"It doesn't matter, then forget it." Shen Xuan hated Gu Baoyan and Chu Ning because of Gu Yunchen and Chu Zhuohang's affairs, and she wanted to get rid of it.

But now she is in a good mood.

Because Kwon Silye took the initiative to say that he would come to join him today.

Compared with Gu Yunchen's retreat, Chu Zhuohang's perfunctory performance, and Quan Sili's performance, all of Shen Xuan's lost heart was filled up at once.

That's less of the Quan Family Consortium!

Shen Xuan was already disdainful, and was arguing with Chu Ning and Gu Baoyan.

When Quan Sily arrives tonight, she can slap these two women fiercely in the face.

"Miss Chu, Miss Gu, let's sit inside." Shen Xuan said with a smile, "After a while, Shao Quan will come, and I will introduce you to you."

"Quan Suli is coming?" Gu Baoyan exclaimed. Didn't she take him to the airport in person?

Could it be that he really lied to himself?

Shen Xuan saw her astonished, of course she didn't know what she was thinking.

I just thought Gu Baoyan was shocked by what he said.

Also, the US consortium has always had a very deep relationship with the military and the president.

A level like the Phoenix Consortium can even put pressure on Shen Jingyu and the entire country of the Dragon Empire, which is evident in their ability.

Although the Quan Family Consortium is not as good as the Phoenix Consortium, it is not much different.

Shen Xuan smiled reservedly and said: "Yes, it's Quan Sili. Baoyan, originally I wanted to meet your eldest brother according to my parents' arrangements, but I didn't expect that Shao Quan would ask to see me, and, I will show up tonight. So, I can only apologize to your elder brother for the time being."

Her face is reserved, but in fact she is particularly proud.

Didn't Gu Yunchen hide in the United States and not give her face?

She also wants to earn back her face!

Gu Baoyan was about to explode with anger, Chu Ning hurriedly took her hand and walked inside.

"Quan Suli, I personally sent him to the airport, didn't he actually not get on the plane?" Gu Baoyan's eyes suddenly turned red again.

Chu Ning asked back: "Baoyan, what did Quan Silu say to you?"

"He said let me believe him, he would persuade my parents to let us be together. Moreover, he said he would not have a blind date with Shen Xuan. But Shen Xuan again said he was coming..." Gu Baoyan bit his lip, feeling wronged. No way.

It feels like the tears will fall in the next second.

Chu Ning asked, "Then do you believe in Quan Suli or Shen Xuan?"

"I..." Gu Baoyan was stunned.

Quan Siri is a boyfriend, and Shen Xuan is just a vain woman, so she has been questioning her boyfriend and trusting her opponent?

Chu Ning smiled and did not speak any more.

Instead, Gu Baoyan bowed his head to reflect.

For a long time, because of the huge difference in status from Quan Siri, she has a low self-esteem.

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