Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1270: The attitude of stepping down and worshiping high is really annoying

"Okay, make an appointment again." Shen Jingyu responded politely.

Seeing that it was so easy for Shen Xuan to fix Shen Jingyu, she said to the old lady Shen, "Grandma, I don't know if Gu Yunchen is back? After he comes back, I really want to tell him in person that there has been no blind date between me and him. It must continue."

How could Mrs. Shen fail to see Shen Xuan's show-off attitude when she came over?

She was sincere in hospitality just now.

At this moment, the old lady Shen looked a little cold: "I don't know the Gu family's affairs, you can understand it yourself."

"Well, then I really want to take the initiative to visit. Moreover, when we get engaged, we will invite the Gu family to come home. Grandma, Lord Shen, and Chu Ning, you will come early then." Shen Xuan declared her victory.

"Definitely." Both the old lady Shen and Shen Jingyu said.

When they went out, Mrs. Shen said, "Jingyu, if Shen Sihai colludes with this Quan family consortium, then your pressure will greatly increase."

"It's okay grandma. I will take care of it." Shen Jingyu said gently.

"Hey, what kind of child did Shen Sihai teach? I just fell in love, so I rushed over to show off." The old lady Shen shook her head again and again.

Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning didn't say anything.


When Shen Xuan went out, she was refreshed.

"Sili, it's nice to have you here. You don't know, my grandma and Shen Ye used to look down on us, even if my dad and my eldest brother get together, they will all sneer at us. You see when you come over They are willing to talk to me, and they are willing to talk to us about business matters. Such an attitude of stepping down and worshiping high is really annoying!"

The false justice asked in surprise: "Did they treat you this way? My dear, you have suffered so much. How can a talented and gentle girl like you be treated like this?"

Shen Xuan's heart was warm: "Fortunately, with you, I believe we will be better in the future."

"It will definitely be better. At that time, when the funds of the Quan Group enter the Dragon Empire, our two will join forces and we will surely be invincible." The false power secretary was impassioned.

Shen Xuan believed in him now.

Although the money of the Quan family group, most of them are still unable to get back the Dragon Empire.

However, all of the food and clothing costs of the pretender are top-notch.

There are also several world-class famous cars parked in his garage.

The paintings at home are authentic works of many famous artists.

After arriving in Jingyuan, he also personally painted and gave them to Shen Sihai, Shi Hui and Shen Xuan.


Shi Hui was at home, admiring the paintings made by the pretender Si Li and the jewellery he sent.

She asked people to put the painting away and said to Shen Sihai with the jewels: "Now you can rest assured, this child still looks quite practical. You, you have to always doubt people."

"This jewel is quite valuable." Shen Sihai took a look and said, "There are a lot of specialized fraud organizations in Europe."

"I've heard. A 17-year-old boy actually lied to more than a dozen airlines and used it for him; another boy, who was born in a peasant family, found a pseudonym, and went all the way up and cheated dozens of countries All kinds of giants and officials finally entered the parliament, and they were not exposed until they were in their thirties." Shi Hui said.

"However, this authority is different. The luxury cars under his name are all real. How can there be such a liar?"

(The example Shi Hui cited is real news, which happened just a few years ago. I referred to real news. There are such awesome liars in this world)

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