Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1274: Spend big money, Pomeranian smiles

The manager was overjoyed and quickly set up a table.

When the people around heard that there was an auction of the signature food in the shop, they couldn't help but look over here. The excitement is indeed very attractive.

Besides, even Lord Shen was there.

People who didn't know thought it was what Shen Ye was going to do.

But in fact, Gu Baoyan and Shen Xuan were in a fight throughout the whole process.

Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning sat calmly, waiting for a good show.

The manager personally presided over, and said: "The blue crayfish in the shop usually sells for 88,000. You can increase the price by yourself."

The false power secretary raised his hand: "One hundred thousand."

"Wow", all around exclaimed.

Although everyone is not a person without money, it is not enough to increase the price for a lobster to this point.

After all, the Dragon Empire is so delicious that you can eat that way if you don't eat it like this.

Gu Baoyan raised his hand: "Two hundred thousand."

The exclamation sounds all around, one after another, flowed in an endless stream.

Shen Xuan was not worried at all, seeing her boyfriend fighting for herself like this, she was full of pride.

I want to stand up and tell everyone, look at everyone, this is my boyfriend, the only son of the Quan Group, the future inheritance of the human rights law.

What does a lobster mean?

"Five hundred thousand." The false power Si Li was calm and relaxed.

To cheat, you must prepare capital.

He has always been cheating in Europe, all kinds of preparations are complete, and the money is also well prepared.

Can't give up children, can't catch wolves.

High investment yields high returns.

This is the principle that the false power law firm has always believed in.

The price of half a million made Shen Xuan startled. It was a sky-high price to buy one of these foods.

However, Quan Shao was willing to spend money for herself, which made her feel happy.

What's more, it's just a mere 500,000 yuan. Who is Quan Shao, can't I get it out?

"One million!" Gu Baoyan continued to shout.

She was not trying to fight for face, but to fight for a breath.

Calling out this price made the false powers hesitate.

It's not that he can't afford it, but is this kind of expense worth it?

Any investment must be accompanied by returns.

If it's not worth it, how can you be willing to let people invest in it?

Shen Xuan looked at him eagerly. In her opinion, one million is nothing but a small amount of money.

Especially for an identity like Quan Shao, it is nothing at all.

The fake Quan Silu was silent for a moment, and said, "Two million!"

The people watching around were all agitated.

"It's just a shrimp, two million! It's too much to write."

"You don't know, the one who bids the price is less powerful, but he is the big boss of the consortium."

"After spending a lot of money, Pomeranian smiled, it can be seen that Shao Quan is paying attention to Ms. Shen."

Shen Xuan still kept a reserved smile on her face.

In my heart, I was very satisfied early.

Really Quan Si Li stretched his hand to pull Gu Baoyan: "It's almost there."

"I haven't had enough fun yet." Gu Baoyan still wants to increase the price, and she can't wait to expose the true face of the liar on the opposite side.

To please Shen Xuan, he must be prepared, but Gu Baoyan does not believe that he is willing to spend more wronged money.

Quan Silu smiled slightly: "I will let you play in the future. You killed others all at once, so how can you play in the future?"

Gu Baoyan thought about it, and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you. Forgive him for his life."

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