Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1283: con man!

Seeing the large transfer information on the bank card, Shen Xuan was taken aback. Why?

Isn't it the pocket money that Sili Quan gave him?

Why did he switch away? Did he make a mistake in operation?

At this time, she still didn't react, she was deceived.

No, maybe I didn't dare to accept this result at all, so I didn't believe that I was deceived at all.

Shi Hui saw her text message: "Who transferred so much money? Siri?"

She suddenly realized something: "Xuan Xuan, why is Si Li missing and still carrying so much money? We...we..."

Shi Hui fainted suddenly.

When Shen Xuan was reminded, she felt a pain in her heart and a mess in her mind. Was she deceived?

How can it be?

How could my fiance lie to myself just now?

Besides, he is still pregnant with his child.

She shook her head, but felt a blank in her mind, and she couldn't stand at all.

The time for the engagement has passed a little bit.

The excited guests before, who were looking forward to it, have now lost their patience.

Everyone has a lot of questions in their minds, and they inquire about each other.

Why isn't Shao Quan still coming out?

Why is the engagement not held yet?

Is something wrong?

Shen Sihai and Shen Muhan have sent someone urgently to hunt down the liar.

The father and son did not expect that they would be taken advantage of by a liar when they stepped in step by step.

But a deceiver like Quan Silu has long since disappeared without a trace.

From the time he knew that the Quan Group was going back to the Dragon Empire, he had set up the situation early. He wanted to take advantage of the time when the Quan Group was about to return but had not yet come back, and seize the opportunity of asymmetric information to get it done as soon as possible.

He is very good at cheating in Europe and the United States, what about the Dragon Empire?

It's not that no one has discovered his identity, but human nature is greedy, thinking that he can get his money out of the black.

So everyone is deceived, not because they can't see clearly, but because they think they see too clearly, but they don't see their greed clearly.

Shi Hui and Shen Xuan stood in the middle of the field, their expressions changed from time to time since they had lost their previous scenery.

However, they cannot leave here.

If you leave at this time, the whole family, although it will not be finished, will lose a big face.

They can only hope that Quan Siri will only leave for a while and will return soon.

"Mom, Si Lu will definitely come back!" Shen Xuan showed a firm expression. "He said that he would treat me well for the rest of my life, and I was pregnant with his child. How could he abandon me?"

Shi Hui fainted again when she heard that she was pregnant.

However, since my daughter's attitude is so affirmative, she might as well wait a little longer, maybe it's just a false alarm?

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The guests are really impatient.

Two hours have passed since the auspicious day that was originally set at 11:58.

It's long time for the banquet to start. These people are distinguished. Which one can withstand such hunger?

The guests in the audience looked impatient.

Shen Jingyu on the side seemed to be prepared, took out the food, handed it to several elders, and then ate with Chu Ning.

Finally, Shen Sihai and Shen Muhan entered the hall and walked to Shi Hui.

"The engagement is cancelled. Shen Ming, if you go to comfort the guests, Xuan Xuan is not feeling well." Shen Sihai said.

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