Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1286: Astronomical debt

Gu Yunchen watched the whole process happily.

He has been waiting for this big show for a long time.

He saw that he had only come back in the evening. When he came back, he invited Shen Jingyu and He Yiming to have dinner, and then he wanted to show them all the gossip today.

"Shen Sihai is so angry that he is about to have a heart attack."

"Shen Xuan may have had a heart attack several times."

"Guess, how was the situation controlled in the end?"

Gu Yunchen was beaming.

Shen Jingyu didn't raise his eyes: "Shen Muhan sent troops to control it."

"You can guess all of this? Didn't you accompany Chu Ning back? What else, you didn't send anyone to inquire about the news." Gu Yunchen was shocked.

"It's not easy. If things can be done so quickly, Shen Muhan must have used coercive force." Chu Ning answered Shen Jingyu.

"It's boring to sing with husbands and women," Gu Yunchen said, "But Shen Muhan sent troops, but was not punished, don't you know the reason?"

"It's better to guess. Under such circumstances, he certainly can't move troops. But he can make up excuses. For example, if a wanted transnational serial murderer accidentally appeared at the wedding banquet, it is not only OK. The mobilization of troops can also make the troublemakers scare themselves to leave quickly." Chu Ning said with a smile.

"Clever." Shen Jingyu lowered his eyelids and praised him.

"It's boring!" Gu Yunchen shook his head. He came to show off after hearing the gossip, not to be crushed by Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning.

Gu Baoyan gave him some food along with his hair: "Brother, eat, you keep talking, but you haven't eaten any food."


Shen Sihai's study.

The whole family is very exhausted.

Shen Xuan cried extremely miserably.

Tianda's happiness became Tianda's joke. Needless to say, she knew her reputation in Jingyuan in the future.

Don't say anything about talented daughters, it would be nice to find a normal family to marry in the future.

Shen Sihai also regretted it.

It's not that I regret letting my daughter be a bait, but that I have underestimated the enemy and gave the other party time to escape.

The liar didn't know how many documents and identities he had, so the money was directly transferred to the United States, and he couldn't even check it.

"My husband, Xuan Xuan is already pregnant with that liar's child, what can I do?" Shi Hui's face was bitter, and her face was lost today.

"Secretly knocked out." Shen Sihai said without emotion.

Shen Xuan couldn't bear it, after all, she still had feelings for the child.

However, the father's words are correct, this is a great shame, and being born will only humiliate the family.

Killing is the only way.

Shen Ming looked at the thick documents on Shen Sihai’s desk with a sad face: "Dad, these debts are all left by the liar. Not only did he take away all the money he earned before, he also took away from the bank and the partner. Countless loans and purchases, the money owed to these people is astronomical. Even if we sell the entire Shen Group’s shares, we will not be able to repay it."

Yes, those private contracts that Shen Sihai didn't know about, put together, are truly astronomical!

All of a sudden, let them fall into a desperate situation.

Shen Xuan was too scared to even cry.

Shen Sihai said: "Let him bear what the liar takes. To appease those people, for things that have nothing to do with Shen Xuan, should our family be blamed?"

"But right, Shen Xuan and the liar have already obtained the marriage certificate. He doesn't show up. We really need to carry these debts..." Shen Ming reminded.

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