Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1321: Since she lost her baby

The people in the audience all believed in Chu Ning at first.

At this moment, I saw that even He Birong said so, and after thinking about it, I felt that it made sense.

"He Ning is going to marry another man, and Chu Ning still doesn't let it go. It really doesn't make sense."

"It's not like He Peishan, where is He Peishan so gentle?"

"I think He Birong's words are also very reasonable, Chu Ning just wants to eliminate any woman who has the possibility of Shen Ye."

He Birong smiled and looked at everyone: "This is not my daughter He Peishan. My current life with Shanshan is very peaceful and peaceful, and will not be disturbed by anyone."

How could she help Chu Ning to expose He Peishan?

The happiness of her daughter is hard to come by. She has been mixed up till now and only wants to protect her daughter's safety and prevent her from being violated.

Chu Ning wants to expose his daughter's true face by himself?

So naive!

Chu Ning smiled and said: "Really? Your life is very peaceful, which is really enviable. I don't know if Mrs. He knew that the person who gave you the medicine and let you shed your precious son was you. Dear daughter Shanshan, can you continue your peaceful life?"

"What? What did you say?" He Birong was shocked, her expression constantly changing.

"What I said is simply literal. Your daughter, He Peishan, doesn’t want all her father’s love, mother’s love, and He family’s assets to be shared by her younger brother, so she has been deliberately trying to get rid of this child. And let you The medicine for abortion was given to you by her hand!"

Chu Ning raised his mobile phone and said, "I have obtained definite evidence. There are clear records of how the servants of the He family bought medicine for her, and when and where they bought the medicine. Mrs. He Would you like to see how your daughter He Peishan did all this?"

He Birong's face kept twitching.

The entire He family's failure began when she lost her child.

Then He Boyuan suffered a heart attack, and then Shen Muhan took advantage of the vacancy and entered the whole He family.

If it hadn't been for the absence of children, the whole He family wouldn't be ruined, and she would not have gone where it is now.

She hates it!

She was so regretful that she loved her all her life, and the daughter who gave her all her life turned out to be the instigator.

It was this daughter who caused the loss of her son and all this.

But Bi Rong He deserves to be Bi Rong He, under this kind of occasion, she can still be stable, not in a hurry.

She restrained her emotions: "Chuning, don't provoke you, no one will believe you. I will not believe you either!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, He Peishan had already knelt on the ground and said: "I have never done anything like this! I have not prescribed medicine, it is Chu Ning who slanders me!"

She pretended to be He Ning, which was extremely hard.

Just now, Chu Ning suddenly exposed such a big thing.

She looked at He Birong's wink, her whole emotions collapsed, and she couldn't even tell whether she was He Ning or He Peishan.

This feeling of being refined and not believed by others is really uncomfortable.

So when He Birong just denied it, He Peishan was out of control.

"Mom, don't believe Chu Ning's words, I didn't hurt you, let alone drugged you!" He Peishan said loudly.

The people in the audience shouted: "Oh my God, this is really He Peishan! Not He Ning!"

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