Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1330: Three abuses

When Lan Xi saw this child, her heart suddenly softened. She stretched out her hand and said, "Is this really Yiming's child?"

Xia Sheng smiled again.

Lan Xi didn't know what to say for a while.

She likes Ye Shu, and she doesn't want the relationship between her son and daughter-in-law to be destroyed.

But such a big living child stood in front of him.

Seeing that she was already shaken, Mrs. Jiang stood up and said, "Let’s take Xia Sheng home first, Lan Xi, you think about it again."

Jiang Xue also stood up, and they took Xia Sheng's hand and walked out.

Xia Sheng looked back at Lan Xi earnestly again, his eyes a little bit dissatisfied.

Just as they left, Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning came over.

Master Chu also came out.

Lan Xi told them what Jiang Xue and Mrs. Jiang had just said, especially about Xia Sheng...

Chu Ning frowned her eyebrows: "Let's not talk about the child, just because of the repeated leg injuries of the elder brother, I don't believe it was He Birong who was paying attention alone. They dare to say that the presidential palace has nothing to do with this matter?"

"Forcing Ye Shu away, causing the eldest brother's leg injury to recur, and bringing back a child, one by one is a complete serial conspiracy, the presidential palace deceived people too much!"

"The dignified Presidential Palace actually used this kind of indiscriminate means to force others to get married!"

Everyone knows the truth.

But now He Yiming's leg injury and Xia Sheng's affairs are both in the presidential palace.

These things were unexpected by Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning.

It is clear that the Presidential Palace is going to force Fu Qian and He Yiming to marry.

In fact, isn't this a way for Fu Hongxuan to expand his influence and control the Dragon Empire?

"I will not marry Fu Qian." He Yiming's figure came from the door of the inner room.

His wheelchair slid over.

His voice is firm: "Neither the legs nor the children are used as a bargaining chip in exchange for feelings. There is no need to argue, no matter what method they come up with, I will not agree."

He has a calm expression and a calm voice, and has made up his mind.

Lan Xi was a little anxious: "But they said, if your leg is dead, the time is up and you won't be able to stand up again for the rest of your life."

Chu Ning is also very worried.

"It's okay if you can't stand up. Then I won't have any use value, the Presidential Palace, should I give up?"

Shen Jingyu and Chuning looked at each other.

The Presidential Palace is indeed unpredictable.

If He Yiming agrees to get married, he will be given military power, and he will naturally be tied to the presidential palace.

If he refuses to agree to marriage, he will not stand up. From then on, he will be a useless and unthreatening person, which is equivalent to that the Presidential Palace cannot use him, and others cannot use him.

Perhaps this is the biggest reason why Fu Hongxuan always pretends to be ignorant and doesn't care when watching his wife and daughter doing these things.

"But Big Brother..." Chu Ning said.

"Ningning, I know you are worried about your elder brother, but rest assured, I'll be fine." He Yiming made up his mind and didn't want to change it.

While talking, a figure suddenly ran over from outside.

Xia Sheng stood at the door, looking at the room eagerly.

They said just now that his father is here, so he wants to come back and have a look.

Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Xue used him to get He Yiming and Lanxi to submit, of course they let him run back.

Lan Xi opened the door, Xia Sheng ran in and smiled at everyone.

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