Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1332: Exactly like He Yiming

If you know it, it's a good idea.

By the way, He Birong died again when he shouldn't.

It now appears that even He Birong's death was in the arrangement of the presidential palace.

Even if there is no Chu Ning to expose He Peishan, He Birong will die at the right time.

"And that Xia Sheng..." Chu Ning felt sorry for the child.

She felt very close to him, but such a good child was born to Fu Qian.

In the hospital bed, He Yiming's situation has gotten worse.

Chu Ning's cell phone rang.

She picked it up immediately.

Ye Shu's voice came across.

"Ye Zi, where are you? Where have you been?" Chu Ning asked.

This time, she even called from a public phone.

Obviously, she was concealing her trace, and even Chu Ning did not want to disclose it.

Ye Shu said softly: "Chuning, you don't care where I am. I call you, just thinking, solemnly ask you to help Yiming make a decision."

Chu Ning understood what she meant: "But Ye Zi..."

Not only can she not make decisions for He Yiming, she also doesn't want to hurt Ye Shu!

"Chuning, I know, you don’t want to compromise with others, you don’t want to hurt me, you don’t want to hurt Yiming’s feelings. But there is no way, this time things developed too suddenly, none of us were prepared, no one can Go and solve it. Please promise me that you must make this decision for Yiming. Maybe he disagrees, or even blame us. But if you lose your life and can't even stand up, there is no him in this world. Now, I think this is a problem none of us want to bear."

Chu Ning held the phone and was speechless for a long time.

"Chuning, I'm begging you. I must help Yiming, okay?" Ye Shu pleaded.

The innocent look of the little boy appeared before her eyes, and those eyes were exactly the same as He Yiming.

This let Ye Shu know that his choice is valuable.

Chu Ning held the phone, but still did not speak.

Lan Xi seemed to feel something. He grabbed the phone from Chu Ning and said, "Ye Shu, I promise you. I will take this responsibility. I will go to the presidential palace."

"Thank you." Ye Shu finished speaking and hung up the phone.

She clutched her chest and sat on the ground, her heart hurting very much.

But she knew that she had made a valuable choice.

Lan Xi changed her clothes and said, "I'm going to the presidential palace."

She can't just watch her son die.

Even if he blames himself, she must do the same.

"Mom!" Chu Ning pulled her, "I'll go with you!"

She wants to shoulder this kind of responsibility with her mother.

Lan Xi shook his head: "You can't go. The people in the presidential palace don't like you and don't know how to bully you. At this time, you can't fight back and fight back. I will go by myself."

Master Chu should have assumed this kind of responsibility.

However, at this moment, he couldn't stand with Lan Xi either.

Lan Xi went out soon and went straight to the presidential palace.

Jiang Xue seemed to have expected her to come, and greeted him affectionately: "Lan Xi is here. We should have given the medicine to Yiming, but there are a lot of things, and we have to take care of Xia Sheng..."

"I'll take it myself, it's the same," Lan Xiping said in a voice.

Jiang Xue smiled and said, "Yes, so. When Yiming is over, we can prepare for his engagement with Qianqian. Our whole family is looking forward to this moment."

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