Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1339: I hit him

Jiang Xue also didn't expect that after a lot of work, in the end, it turned out to be nothing.

Thousands are counted, but He Yiming has never been counted.

This loss is really too big, the guests have been invited, and everything is prepared...

But now, the Fu family must take the initiative to cancel, and the He family doesn't care about everything.

When the time comes, it will only be the Fu family who has no face!

How can this make people not angry?

"Isn't he not engaged to me? Very well, in this life, I won't make him feel better! He Yiming, I'm on the bar with him!"

A trace of yin prey flashed in Fu Qian's eyes.

Especially the fact that he would be humiliated in front of him even if he was naked, it was a shame!

Jiang Xue persuaded: "The child should stay. After all, it is our family's own blood. How could it be lost? What's more, this is also your bond with Yiming. Where can you say that you don't want it?"

Fu Qian snorted, too, as long as there is Xia Sheng, there is always a thorn between He Yiming and Ye Shu.

Even if He Yiming is not with him, he shouldn't even think about staying with Ye Shu.

However, the Fu family suddenly announced that the engagement had been cancelled, and it was a loss of face.

At least, there must be a decent reason.

In the evening, Jiang Xue asked Guan Li to notify everyone that Fu Qian and He Yiming's engagement was cancelled.

The reason is simple. A geological disaster that was rare in a century occurred somewhere in the Dragon Empire, and the entire presidential palace was very worried and worried about the lives and property of the victims there.

Everyone's energies must be allocated to work on the other side, so the presidential palace has taken care of the overall situation and sacrificed the love of children such as engagement.

This notice saved Fu Qian's face.

Those who received the notice, although all regretful, could not attend this grand engagement ceremony.

But thinking that the presidential palace is also for the whole people, everyone couldn't help but admire their high morale.

This time Fu Qian was engaged to a lot of people.

Even the Duke of Phoenix of the United States was invited.

The Duke of Phoenix took Master Phoenix and returned two days ago.

Now that the engagement ceremony is cancelled, they will be active in the Dragon Empire to carry out their various businesses.


"Brother, the presidential palace announced that the engagement ceremony has been cancelled. You can also eat something." Chu Ning walked in with the food.

He Yiming hooked his lips: "Okay."

His legs are basically no longer a major problem, but his expression is still haggard.

"You confessed that I went to see Doctor Gu to check Xiasheng's affairs, and it was also found. He is indeed your child." Chu Ning said softly, "However, since the marriage contract has been cancelled, the Presidential Palace probably won't let him come to us anymore. ."

Chu Ning really felt sorry for the child.

She knows that Big Brother is even more in a dilemma now.

Although Fu Qian would not be threatened to get engaged, but suddenly there was such a child, and Ye Shu's relationship was full of more variables.

"I know." He Yiming nodded.

For a while, Chu Ning didn't know what to say.


Chu Ning came out of He Yiming's room, somewhat dejected.

The eldest brother is in a bad mood, and her mood will not improve.

Especially she missed Ye Shu very much.

In front of him, a figure stood in front of Chu Ning.

She raised her eyes, and Shen Jingyu stood in front of her holding a bouquet of flowers.

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