Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1343: The rumors are true

For her arrival, someone showed kindness.

Of course, there are also people who show dissatisfaction.

Because she grabbed one of the best broadcast time slots as soon as she came, people naturally felt that it belonged to her and was taken away.

Ye Yu is one, and Jiang Sisi and Zhu Jian sitting next to Ye Yu think so.

"Ye Yu, why did Ye Shu come back?" Jiang Sisi frowned, "Didn't she say anything before and never return to Ye's house?"

"She really didn't go back to Ye's house, just came back to work." Ye Yu said, "So I also knew she was back after she came to the music station."

Jiang Sisi said: "I don't know what means she used, she got a good show as soon as she came back. Tsk tsk tsk, some people's scheming, we will never match."

Zhu Jian couldn't help but said: "This morning rush program, the person who should be the most to take is Ye Yu. Even if it is not Ye Yu, it should be you. Why is Ye Shu cut off? Some people compliment her on TV station ability. Strong and well-known. If you are really that powerful, why would you come back with your tail to find a job?"

Jiang Sisi said: "Actually, robbing the job is second. The most feared thing is that she not only wants to rob the job, but also rob other people's boyfriend. Ye Yu and Meng Fu were so good back then, she still wanted to get in."

Ye Shu was low-key, and when he was with Meng Fu, he didn't publicize it.

So everyone thought that Meng Fu had been with Ye Yu long ago, and that Ye Shu was the one who stepped in.

What's more, Ye Shu has been outside for the past few years. History was originally written by the winner. Now everyone feels that Ye Shu left because he didn't win his boyfriend and left with hatred.

Ye Yu was indeed worried.

Ye Shubi looks good and has strong abilities. If she uses any means, Meng Fu will pass by without letting Meng Fu obediently.

It's a pity that the child, she has already handed it over to Fu Qian, otherwise it can be used to give Ye Shu a severe blow.

"Don't talk nonsense, my sister didn't deliberately want to intervene between me and Meng Fu. Love is indeed something that can't be resisted sometimes..." Ye Yu relieved Ye Shu.

But the meaning of the words, it was confirmed that Ye Shu was almost as a junior.

After speaking, Ye Yu seemed to realize that something was wrong, and said hurriedly: "I didn't mean that, I mean, don't just talk about my sister. My sister, at least this time, got the job by her own ability. "

Her voice was very loud, and everyone who hadn't heard their discussion before also heard it.

Then, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Shu's body.

Ye Shu's work this time made people very envious and hated, and everyone had all kinds of suspicions.

Ye Yu's words seemed to confirm her points all at once.

"So the rumors are true."

"I'll just say, how can someone drop by air to grab a good position, tusk tusk..."

"It turns out there is really a stinking deal behind this."

Ye Shu stood up and said to Ye Yu: "Ye Yu, how do you know that I got the job by my own ability this time?"

"..." Ye Yu didn't think Ye Shu would ask like that.

Although she arranges Ye Shu in private, on the surface, she always has to maintain her reputation for generosity and kindness.

She couldn't do it to tear Ye Shu openly.

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