Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1345: What good things did you buy?

"Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom." Ye Shu stood up and walked outside.

Jiang Sisi couldn't help but leaned to Ye Yu's ear and said, "Oh, someone is jealous. This is envy, jealousy and hatred."

Zhu Jian also came over: "She really can't stand seeing you show your affection. Hahaha, deserve it. Wanting to steal the limelight from our Ye Yu, that's how it ended."

Ye Yu smiled reservedly.


He Yiming didn't expect that he would meet Ye Shu when performing a mission in a remote area.

When he applied to be stationed here before, he did not connect this place with Ye Shu's hometown.

I have been here for a while, and life is naturally not comparable to that of Jingyuan.

He Yiming's time is spent on military training and rarely comes out.

Today is the birthday of a subordinate adjutant. After all, everyone was on vacation and everyone came to celebrate.

He Yiming couldn't help everyone's happiness, so he came together. After dinner, he came here to sing K again.

When Ye Shu went out to the bathroom, He Yiming recognized her at a glance.

She looked a little haggard, even with light makeup, she could still see that she hadn't rested well, and the corners of her eyes were a little black.

Come to think of it, the matter of Xia Sheng has put her under a lot of pressure.

But she didn't want to embarrass him, so she chose to run away.

He Yiming felt a little pain in his heart when he saw it. This is what she said on the phone. Is it going well?

He paused, shaking his mind slightly, Ye Shu had disappeared from his sight and entered a KTV box.

Liang Yan has been by He Yiming's side all the time. He was demoted and transferred with him.

Seeing He Yiming's look, Liang Yan immediately noticed something and asked someone to check it.

A few minutes later, he stepped forward and said, "General, Miss Ye, I sang K after dinner with my colleagues to celebrate her coming to work here."

"Got it." He Yiming nodded.

Thinking of the things that I had bought for her, he had never had time to give them to him. He said, "Go to the car and help me bring things to her."


That was the red wine that Chu Ning went to buy with him last time, and it was originally intended for Ye Shu.

Ye Shu likes to drink, but because he had been drunk before and almost had an accident, He Yiming did not approve of her drinking more.

However, if you drink it at home, it doesn't matter.


When Ye Shu came back, everyone was happily drinking the red wine they had just ordered.

Mengfu bought the order and insisted on asking them to order the best, and ordered five bottles in one breath.

At this moment, everyone is savoring with heart.

"This kind of red wine is more than 20,000 a bottle, and every bite is a few hundred yuan bills." Someone took a distressed sip and paused.

"It's also only by following Ye Yu that you can enjoy things that ordinary working-class people like us can't enjoy."

"It smells really good! I, a person who doesn't understand wine, can also feel that this taste is unusual."

Ye Shu came in, and a well-behaved female colleague gave her a glass: "You can try Ye Shu too, this wine is precious and delicious."

Ye Shu took it over: "Thank you."

While everyone was discussing, the waiter outside brought in a box and said, "Miss Ye, this is for you."

Zhu Jian stood up, reached out and took it, and said, "I'll help Ye Yu take it."

She took it all at once and said, "What did Master Meng buy for us Ye Yu?"

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