Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1355: What are your intentions

However, He Yiming had been stationed all the time and did not go home.

It was Chu Ning, who had more opportunities to see Xia Sheng.

I often take Lele to see Xia Sheng, play games with him, or chat with him.

On this day, when Chu Ning went to school, the bodyguard of the Presidential Palace had not yet come. Xia Sheng and several other children were waiting to be picked up.

Several little boys, led by a chubby boy around Xia Sheng, gave Xia Sheng a push: "Hunky, dirty and smelly, it's disgusting!"

"That is, I don't understand anything. I don't even know the AJ shoes we wear, nor have we listened to operas, watched dramas, and don't know how to get into our school." Another kid also said mockingly.

"Isn't it a hillbilly, we are not in the same world."

Xia Sheng lowered his head and said nothing.

He really didn't know anything. Growing up in an orphanage, it was an extravagant hope to be able to eat. What brand names, operas and dramas are all things that are far away from Xia Sheng.

The chubby boy was even more excited when he saw that he was silent, and gave him a big push again.

Xia Sheng frowned, as if tolerating something, but after all he restrained his temper and did not fight back.

Chu Ning took Lele and saw this scene. She quickly stepped forward and said, "What are you doing?"

The chubby boy had money in his family, and he was not afraid to see Chu Ning, and said, "Nothing, this hillbilly doesn't understand anything, we educate him."

Chu Ning pulled Xia Sheng to stand behind him, and said, "Don't understand anything? Then what do you know? Little Fatty, come on."

"Why do you call me a little fat man, insulting people!" The fat boy said unhappily.

"Oh, you know insulting people too, so why do you call someone a hillbilly?"

The fat boy thought for a while: "Because he is from the country, he still joins the class!"

"Aren't you fat? Why can't I call you a fat man?" Chu Ning asked back.

The fat boy blushed suddenly: "Don't call me that way!"

"Yes, you are not allowed to call others that way, I naturally don't call you that way. Think about it, what you don't like to do, you have to add to others, what is your intention?" Chu Ning continued to ask.

The fat boy has nothing to say.

The other boys are also irrefutable.

Chu Ning asked: "Then tell me what you know now."

"We know a lot, Captain America, NBA basketball star," the fat boy said, "and football, opera, everything. But He Xiasheng, he doesn't know anything."

Xia Sheng grabbed Chu Ning's clothes nervously.

Chu Ning thought for a while and asked: "Then do you know the nine planets? Do you know which schools of oil painting have? How do celestial bodies work? What is the principle of stop motion animation?"

"..." The fat boy looked confused.

"..." The other boy opened his mouth wide.

"..." The other children were stunned.

Chu Ning smiled lightly: "Then you don't know a lot. With human knowledge, as big as a basketball court, you only know half a sesame seed at most. You know this, so how embarrassed to laugh at it. Others, eh?"

A few of them were hit hard, and the fat boy was not convinced: "He Xiasheng doesn't know, why should I talk about us."

"Because we He Xiasheng will not bully people, nor will we laugh at you with these." Chu Ning pulled out a smile.

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