Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1364: A legend in the music industry

Liang Wei responded all of them one by one, appearing very friendly.

He has been famous for a long time. Although he has not maintained the same popularity as before, for him, this kind of small scene is just a small case.

"Miss Ye, can we get acquainted with the flow of the program first?" Liang Wei walked towards Ye Yu, with a more serious smile on his face, which also gave people a very dedicated feeling.

Ye Yu's face was even brighter, and he smiled softly: "Okay, I'm ready, I only need to familiarize myself with it once. Please trouble you, Teacher Liang, please here."

Everyone looked at Ye Yu with envious expressions. Small radio stations like them are now hit hard by the Internet. In the past few years, they have no money to invite these big-name celebrities.

Ye Yu can now invite Liang Wei to do the show, which is good for everyone.

As the listening rate of radio stations rises, advertisers will definitely pay more attention, and everyone's life will be more comfortable.

So it's not just envy, but everyone also has the meaning of thanking Ye Yu.

Ye Yu and Liang Wei were about to go to the office to familiarize themselves with the process, when a group of people screamed loudly outside the door.

The headed man wore a peaked cap and was very low-key, but the bodyguards and assistants who followed him were familiar faces in everyone's eyes.

Isn't this assistant and bodyguard the people next to Zhou Mu, a popular singer?

Zhou Mu has been popular for ten years since his debut.

And every year, new albums are released. Each album will not only create sales myths, but also produce various familiar singing works.

Zhou Mu can be said to be a legend in the music industry.

Moreover, he is a singer who is good at singing and writing, and most of the songs on each album are written by himself.

Not only that, he also provides lyrics and music works for other singers every year, and each of his works is a singer who can be popular among singers.

Therefore, Zhou Mu is not only the holy light in the eyes of fans, but also the holy light in the hearts of singers.

Everyone is proud to be able to sing his work.

Everyone is proud to be able to cooperate with him.

It's just that Zhou Mu is a very traditional man. He got married and had children early, and set aside time for his wife and children every year, instead of spending endless time on work like other celebrities.

So there are not many opportunities to cooperate with him.

He himself is very low-key, but his popularity is already high. The assistants and bodyguards around him have exclusive fans.

"Zhou Mu, it's Zhou Mu! Zhou Mu is here!" Zhu Jian screamed and shouted.

Jiang Sisi couldn't help but look outside.

Even Liang Wei stopped, a little hope arose in his heart, the kind of hope that was a little sour and uncomfortable, but some eager to cooperate with Zhou Mu.

The discomfort caused by being compared by others was quickly suppressed by that kind of hope.

Ye Yu's face showed a look of surprise. When the radio was in full swing in the past, it was possible to invite such superstars to do shows.

Now, Zhou Mu actually appeared on the radio. This glory and scenery made people really feel like stepping on the cloud, which was not true at all.

I don't know, who invited Zhou Mu?

Will it be Meng Fu? Does he want to surprise himself?

Zhu Jian came up to grab Ye Yu's hand and asked excitedly: "Ye Yu, is it the Zhou Mu invited by Master Meng?"

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