Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1366: Flashed a trace of distress

At the door of the radio station, there has not been such a grand occasion for many years.

And all of this was because of Ye Shu's relationship, and Zhou Mu was invited to make such an unprecedented grand occasion.

The staff are extremely happy. Who doesn't want their work to be more popular?

Even the little-known radio station came into the sight of everyone in one fell swoop.

Zhu Jian stepped forward to greet Ye Yu and said, "It's too much. Many people are talking about Ye Shuhao and are still waiting to compliment her. They used to eat and drink so many things bought by Master Meng, but now they say goodbye. Good people. Ha ha."

"This is also human nature. Everyone likes capable people. What's more, if my sister can really benefit the radio, we will all benefit too." Ye Yu maintained his kind personality.

Zhu Jian was very upset: "Hmph, I think the director is partial to him. I want to see how long she can last."

Ye Yu didn't say anything. If Zhu Jian took the lead in place of herself and caused Ye Shu some trouble, she would be happy to see the result.

She herself is inconvenient to come out.

She must be mindful of her father's thoughts, as well as Meng Fu's thoughts, she still can't be too swagger.

Soon, in private, a gossip spread.

"The director is partial to Ye Shu. Not only did he give her the morning rush program, he also gave her a huge amount of money to get her to get a big name like Zhou Mu. In private, what is the relationship between the director and Ye Shu?"

This topic of male and female scandals fermented very quickly, and soon it became a spark and began to spread.

What's more, this is a topic related to the vital interests of many hosts.

The funds of the radio station are so much, and Ye Shu alone is the leader, so the funds of other hosts will inevitably suffer.

The criticism of Ye Shu has reached an unprecedented height.

Even the staff who had admired Ye Shu before and felt that she had brought life to the radio station changed their views.

"I also said that Ye Shu is very good. It turned out that the director of the station has allocated a lot of funds to be able to do this kind of business."

"That is, I don't know what benefits the director has given her privately. It is enough to praise her."

"Should we also use our bonus to Ye Shu?"

"It's no wonder that our bonuses for the past two months are getting less and less. It turned out to be spent on Ye Shu."

Without waiting for Zhou Mu to leave, the whole radio station had already spread.

Although the matter hadn't spread to the outside world, the entire radio station didn't have a good face for Ye Shu.

The few colleagues who supported Ye Shu were also unable to clarify for her, so they could only let it go.


Liang Yan also quickly inquired about this matter.

He quickly reported to He Yiming, and said, "General, let's not care? Are these people just pointing at Miss Ye's nose and cursing?"

He Yiming groaned for a moment, and said, "Look first before talking."

"Still watching?"

"Ye Shu has the ability to solve it. What's more, she is innocent of this matter, and these storms will not cause much trouble." He Yiming said in a low voice.

He knew that Ye Shu was not such a person.

If she was the kind of person who would betray herself for money and career, she would not leave for his good.

However, seeing her in the center of the storm of public opinion, a trace of distress flashed in He Yiming's eyes.

At night, he stayed for a long time in the community where Ye Shu lived.

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