Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1369: You must kill this little vixen

Zhang Mingcheng could not persuade his wife to go to the office, so he could only say with a calm face: "Okay, then I will tell you that this time Ye Shu's work and the matter of her inviting Zhou Mu, did not ask for a cent from the office. !"

Mrs. Zhang sneered: "Who are you lying to? Who doesn't know that Zhou Mu is not good, please, don't ask for a penny, Zhou Mu will come over? Do you have to make drafts when you lie? Don't just talk nonsense to protect certain people!"

Other employees also nodded in agreement.

They are not fools either. Who doesn't know that asking stars is the most expensive, the more popular the more expensive.

What is Zhou Mu's price? Even if they were not in a team that directly contacted Zhou Mu, they knew that it would definitely cost them.

"This is true, Ye Shu didn't ask for any funds. Otherwise, do you think that you can afford Zhou Mu with our funds?" Zhang Mingcheng was also anxious.

Ye Shuping said: "Director Zhang, Mrs. Zhang, I still have something to do. Please clarify your housework, and let's talk about it. I'm lost."

Seeing that Ye Shu was about to leave, Mrs. Zhang naturally refused to agree.

Unexpectedly, the director stepped forward more anxiously than she, and said, "Ye Shu, don't go."

His tone was imploring, and he seemed to care about Ye Shu very much.

There was a suddenly realized voice from the crowd: "The director and Ye Shu really have a leg. We guessed right."

"It's really not good to look, such a beautiful Ye Shu, only a few days ago, he hooked up with the director."

"Nothing comes from it, there must be a reason, it really is so~"

Zhu Jian couldn't help but be stunned.

She only guessed about the affairs of the director and Ye Shu. Investigate the reason, because she didn't want Ye Shu to take too much advantage.

Who knows that in the current situation, the director really likes Ye Shu and cares about Ye Shu?

Guessed it out of thin air, turned out to be a fact?

On the contrary, Zhu Jian was a little uncomfortable. How could Ye Shu He De, be able to win the favor of the station chief, and even defend Ye Shu in front of his wife?

It was Mrs. Zhang that saw her husband guarding Ye Shu, and she became more angry: "Okay, okay, Zhang Mingcheng, you actually guarded this vixen in public, I'm never finished with you! I have to kill this little vixen today!"

Mrs. Zhang stepped forward to fight Ye Shu even more.

But Zhang Mingcheng not only stopped her, but also roared and said, "Stop it for me!"

Zhang Mingcheng is the director of the station after all, and he still has some momentum.

He was really angry, and Mrs. Zhang was so frightened that she didn't dare to mess up again. She stopped her hand, thinking that her husband was actually protecting Xiao San, treating herself like this, her eyes were red, and tears came to her eyes.

The employees all around expressed their utmost sympathy to Mrs. Zhang. Don't shake your head and say, "Mrs. Zhang is too pitiful. How can the director do this?"

"I blame Ye Shu, she is really a vixen, there is no such thing in the front desk. I see a woman like her, it's a curse."

"If I were Mrs. Zhang, I would be sad to death if I met such a woman."

Zhang Mingcheng frowned and said, "Go and apologize to Ye Shu."

"Let me apologize?" Mrs. Zhang was stunned, "Why? You just protect her, regardless of the kindness of our husband and wife for many years? Zhang Mingcheng, you are still not human?"

Others' comments were louder, and they accused Ye Shu, the junior, of destroying other people's families and causing opposition from other people's husbands and wives.

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