Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1376: Professional standard

This time the selection is open, and all the paintings are also placed in front of the audience for everyone to enjoy.

The score is also announced on the spot.

So, everyone can hear what they are doing now.

Everyone is waiting eagerly.

Xia Sheng was also a little nervous, looking up at Ye Shu's expression from time to time.

He also wanted to win prizes, he wanted to get his own honor.

Before the change, he didn't care, but with Ye Shu, he wanted to see Ye Shu's proud look.

Before he knew it, his closeness to Ye Shu grew more and more.

He subconsciously grasped Ye Shu's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that she would leave after releasing it.

Ye Shu felt Xia Sheng look at herself from time to time, and she turned her head over and smiled at Xia Sheng.

Xia Sheng was embarrassed and very happy, his heart was filled with cheerful tones, as if he was about to break through his body and fly out at any time.

After the host announced several winning prizes, third prizes and second prizes, the parents and children in the audience all smiled happily.

Some did not win the prize but expressed regret.

However, most parents are very open to the fact that their children did not win the prize, and they comforted their children in a low voice: "It's okay, the most important thing is to participate. As long as you study hard, it doesn't matter if you don't win."

The host finally announced the winner of the first place and said loudly: "This time, the painter who won the championship of the children's group of our national oil painting competition is a very talented child. His previous winning works in the qualifiers , Has made people very amazing. This time in the official competition, he created a score close to full marks by the nine judges. He is our classmate Qian Dabao, and his work is called "Le Le "."

This painting was shown in front of everyone. On the screen, a little boy was looking at the world with his innocent eyes wide open.

His face is healthy and ruddy, and his eyes are beautiful and aura, full of charm.

Its color matching and composition show a professional standard.

Even parents who don't know how to appreciate oil paintings can't help showing a look of admiration.

"Qian Dabao is well-known in his department and came from a family of calligraphy and painting. He has been educated by ears and eyes since he was a child, and has shown super talent..." The host did not hesitate to describe Qian Dabao in the most beautiful and best words.

Because he also likes Qian Dabao's works very much, and is full of recognition for his creations.

"Student Qian Dabao, please come to the backstage later, some judges want to chat with you." The host smiled.

Qian Dabao came to the stage to accept the award accompanied by Mr. Qian. Mr. Qian was full of arrogance, while Qian Dabao looked a little cautious.

Teacher Wang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when the dust had settled.

Everyone looked at Qian Dabao and his son with envy.

I didn't expect people to be so rich and talented. They are simply winners in life. They have already stood on the finish line of others since they were born.

Qian Dabao, the future can be expected.

Just as the host was about to announce the successful conclusion of today’s award-winning selection, Ye Shu stood up and said: "Host, I would like to ask, if in this selection, someone has copied or even used other people’s paintings. Wait for fraud, what should I do?"

Teacher Wang and Mr. Qian couldn't help but glared at Ye Shu.

But Ye Shu didn't put this look in her eyes at all, she was just asking for justice for Xia Sheng.

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