Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1380: Something unbelievable

"Unexpectedly, after a few days, they played again, they still rely on cheating to get the honor and ranking that shouldn't belong to them."

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Qian, are you really unaware of this?"

It turns out that "Autumn Sun" is also the work of He Xiasheng!

Everyone suddenly realized.

Especially the judge who wanted to collect Qian Dabao to train the students just now was about to vomit blood. He thought that Qian Dabao had at least the strength of "Autumn Day". How could he even think that this painting was made by He Xia.

Everyone looked at Qian Dabao and Mr. Qian in unison.

Mr. Qian even took Qian Dabao with him, intending to slip away quietly while the crowd was too busy.

But when Ye Shu named the name, everyone's eyes fell on Mr. Qian.

He forced his composure, but Qian Dabao burst into tears and cried loudly, "I'm sorry He Xiasheng, I knew it was wrong, it was my fault. I was afraid that I would be scolded by the whole family if I didn't win the prize. That’s why I took your work secretly. I was wrong, oooooooo..."

The whole family has high hopes for him, but he doesn't like painting at all. Where can I paint better?

"You took it once, why do you want to take it a second time?" Ye Shu asked softly.

"The first time I couldn't paint, so I stole Xia Sheng's work to make up the number. I didn't expect to win the first prize in the qualifiers. Dad said that he would give me a prize of 100,000 yuan. I was afraid I would not get the first prize next time. I was afraid of being beaten, so I thought of Xia Sheng's paintings again...I will never dare to do it again."

"I'll beat you to death!" Seeing that his son was so disappointed, Mr. Qian lost his last face, slapped him severely, and kicked him with his feet.

Really performed the whole martial arts on the spot, it is no wonder that Qian Dabao will be like this.

Some parents hurried up to stop Mr. Qian: "Mr. Qian, the child was educated, not typed."

Qian Dabao was frightened. He squatted on the ground and cried and said, "I'll forget if you kill me. Anyway, I can't paint well, and I can't learn well..."

"Well, Mr. Qian, you are not educating children like this. Especially you can't beat and scold." Old Yang stopped aloud. After all, Mr. Qian is not good to start, his face is dark and calm.

Ye Shu said, "Mr. Qian, we are here today to seek justice for Xia Sheng. The paintings he worked so hard to draw cannot be taken over casually. So, please, you and your son, apologize to Xia Sheng in public."

Mr. Qian couldn't get up and down, but in front of everyone, he had to say: "I'm sorry, I didn't educate the children well."

"Sorry, He Xiasheng." Qian Dabao was still crying.

Everyone looked at Xia Sheng, a tall and thin child, who began to look like a teenager a little bit. His eyes were clear, noble and delicate.

Good-looking and temperamental, this is everyone's first impression.

It's no wonder that you can draw such works with aura.

Xia Sheng spoke softly: "I accept your apology, and I hope you will never again."

The voice is nice, gentle and shallow, and the speech is calm and generous.

It is everyone's second impression of him.

His image is in sharp contrast with Qian Dabao.

Mr. Qian's face was dull, and when Xia Sheng finished speaking, he cursed while leaving with Qian Dabao.

Teacher Wang also took the opportunity to leave with Mr. Qian.

"Teacher Wang!" Ye Shu stopped him.

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