Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1384: The person who hugs oneself

The bodyguard nodded.

I just feel that Fu Qian's treatment of a child is too harsh.

Chu Ning and Ye Shu returned to her hometown, had dinner, and went to the bar together.

Actually, Chu Ning didn't intentionally choose a place like a bar. The mess here is not suitable for her and Ye Shulai.

But she secretly asked Liang Yan to find out, and sometimes someone would invite He Yiming over to drink in the bar.

And He Yiming will also handle some business matters and accept invitations.

If He Yiming and Ye Shu have no chance to meet each other, how long will their affairs be delayed?

Chu Ning can't wait for things to happen all the time, she wants to create a chance for Big Brother and Ye Zi.

Even if it is, just meet each other once.

Drinking while chatting, I soon became a little drunk.

Chu Ning and Ye Shu went to the bathroom together. After washing, Chu Ning came out first. She whispered something to a waiter.

When Ye Shu came out, the waiter told her: "Miss Chu said she was waiting for you in the private room over there. Please come over."

Ye Shu was a little surprised. Didn't she and Chu Ning just sit in the deck?

Did Chu Ning have a friend here?

But she didn't think too much, but as the waiter said, she opened the door and walked in.

When I entered, many people were drinking, and the lights were very bright. With a glance, Ye Shu saw He Yiming, who was sitting on the main seat with solemn eyebrows and handsome facial features.

Obviously, they didn't even think about meeting each other, so they were a little embarrassed for a while.

I haven't seen each other for a long time, and the familiar and unfamiliar feeling entangled the two closely like a net.

The line of sight met, as if a thousand words were conveyed.

Today He Yiming is talking with some investors.

The He family is gone, but part of his business is still there, and it has been running smoothly.

The investors on the side were all hugging women who were holding the wine, only He Yiming and his men, who had never had this habit.

An investor surnamed Xue was already a bit drunk, and suddenly saw a beautiful young girl push the door in, and he couldn't help but shine.

Ye Shu has such a clear and sassy feeling, which is so different from the women with heavy make-up who accompany the wine. It is completely the gesture of clear water and lotus. This Mr. Xue stared directly at Ye Shu.

Ye Shu finally took his gaze away from He Yiming, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, I went wrong."

I already understood in my heart that it was Chu Ning who was helping him create opportunities for him to meet He Yiming.

She was very grateful for Chu Ning's kindness, but at the moment she was a little speechless.

She turned around and was about to leave, and Mr. Xue stepped forward and stopped her: "Beauty, what is your name? Stay with me for a drink, one for you ten thousand!"

"Sorry, I don't accompany the wine, sorry to disturb you," Ye Shu remained polite.

Mr. Xue is reluctant and unforgiving: "Which bar can I not accompany the wine? Give you twenty thousand, a glass!"

As he said, his hand stretched out restlessly on Ye Shu.

Ye Shu avoided, suddenly, warm behind him, he was already in an embrace.

There is no need to look at it. She already understands just by relying on the instinctive reaction of the body. The person holding her is He Yiming.

"Boss Xue, give me some face." He Yiming said flatly, with a little drunkenness in his mellow voice.

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