Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1386: What's easy to learn

Liang Yan hurriedly stood at attention: "The general is wronged, I have done my business first before going to see it."

He Yiming's expression eased a little.

I think of Xia Sheng, that child is very sensible and worthy of love.

However, He Yiming always keeps a gap in his heart for him...

He knew that he was not a qualified father and did not do what a father should do.

Liang Yan has been with He Yiming for so long, but he can actually understand some of his feelings.

He said: "General, the young master is actually quite pitiful. The presidential palace has many rules and complicated personnel. He may not be happy living there. I think he will only have a smiling face when he is with Miss Chu and Miss Ye. "

"Got it." He Yiming rubbed his eyebrows, and a touch of pain slipped through his heart.


Ye Shu’s interview with Zhou Mu had a better effect than expected.

Zhou Mu itself is very popular, with many fans, and his every move is widely watched.

On this show, he disclosed a lot of thoughts that he had never said in other shows, played new songs, and shared some interesting things with his children.

This makes the entire program full of audibility, and all of a sudden, even the entire program is widely watched.

Not only Ye Shu and this show, but also the radio station also attracted everyone's attention.

The effect is very good.

In this era of numerous online programs, the radio station unexpectedly ushered in a small climax of listening.

Advertisers spotted the opportunity and started investing in the radio station, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to create revenue and value.

Speaking of Ye Shu, everyone on the radio was full of smiles.

The last time Ye Yu interviewed Liang Wei's program, he was quickly overwhelmed by this wave of momentum, and was unable to arouse any splashes.

Zhu Jian and Jiang Sisi ran to Ye Yu and said, "It's too much. When the director was in a meeting, he called Ye Shu to praise and said that we should learn from Ye Shu and learn from her experience. What can I learn from her?"

"Yes." Jiang Sisi pouted, "Isn't it just to invite a Zhou Mu, if I can invite a superstar like Zhou Mu, do I still need to learn?"

Ye Yu was really in a bad mood.

Hearing the name Ye Shu every day made her feel extremely upset.

Ye Shu Ye Shu, she got out, why did she come back to this home?

Even people from the Meng family accidentally asked her about Ye Shu!

She is really unwilling and uncomfortable!

Zhu Jian asked, "Hey, how did you say Ye Shu invited Zhou Mu? With a big coffee like Zhou Mu, where can I get it if I don't have any money?"

"Could it be that there are advertisers or investors who secretly sponsored Ye Shu?" Jiang Sisi felt that this was a great possibility.

Ye Yu couldn't help but nodded: "I think it should be, but it's her ability and ability that her sister can find advertisers to sponsor her."

He said so, but he sneered in his heart.

In addition to being beautiful, what else does she have?

Speaking of which, when she left a few years ago, what was so beautiful about it?

It's nothing more than being able to dress up now, nothing more than a look made with money.

"Sister!" Ye Yu saw Ye Shu come out, hurriedly greeted him, and smiled, "Dad's 60th birthday, he has hosted a lot of guests. He asked me to tell you, please go back too."

Ye Shu thought of his father's questioning eyes and the slap on his face, his heart was slightly cold.

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