Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1389: "Chat" alone

Ye Jinghua glanced at Ye Shu subconsciously, and seemed to be dissatisfied with her private dealings with people like Mr. Xue. Although Mr. Xue is rich, he is too old and has always had a poor reputation in private life outside.

Even if Ye Jinghua wanted Mr. Xue in business, he didn't want Ye Shu to have anything to do with him.

Ye Yu could see all the expression on Mr. Xue's face just now.

When he saw Ye Shu, he was amazed at first, then pleased, and he saw that nothing happened between them.

Reminiscing that Ye Shu could have money to ask Zhou Mu, if the person behind the money is Mr. Xue, then it makes sense.

The wealth of the local bosses in these small places is sometimes incalculable. The so-called local tyrants are talking about the local bosses who have no power but don't care at all.

Eighty percent, Ye Shu's money was given by this Mr. Xue.

Ye Yu stopped talking and walked aside.

Zhu Jian and Jiang Sisi, the two attendants, naturally also came early in the morning. Seeing Ye Yu's expression, he couldn't help asking, "What happened? Didn't Ye Shu give you offense?"

"That's not true. But look at that Mr. Xue..." Ye Yu said.

Zhu Jian and Jiang Sisi also saw something in Mr. Xue's eyes all of a sudden. He was pleased with Ye Shu, amazing, and some closeness.

It seems that their relationship is unusual.

Zhu Jian sighed: "Could it be that everything about Ye Shu comes from that Mr. Xue? But I have heard that he has a family. He still relies on his wife to make his fortune."

Jiang Sisi also agreed: "Ye Shu is really shameless. He grabbed Ye Yu's boyfriend, grabbed our job, and now grabs someone else's husband."

"Huh, tonight, I have to make her look good." Zhu Jian was the first to stand up. She was the one whose work was most affected after Ye Shu came back.

She even thought about Ye Shu's ruin earlier than Ye Yu and left this place.

Zhu Jian walked towards the distance, and Ye Yu's heart returned to peace. She knew that she didn't need to do it herself, naturally someone would fix Ye Shu's affairs.

After the matter was over, she just sat back and reaped the profit.

Zhu Jian found out that Mr. Xue's wife was also here today. As long as Mr. Xue and Ye Shu are together, then Ye Shu's reputation will be completely ruined.

"Mr. Xue, Ye Shu said I want to talk to you for a while." Zhu Jian came forward with a wine glass and handed it to Mr. Xue.

"Okay. I was about to have a private chat with Miss Ye. I didn't expect her to find me personally. It's great. I'll find a place where no one is there and wait for her over there." Mr. Xue agreed. His face was full of joy.

Last time he had just talked a little about the business with He Yiming, but after that, He Yiming became completely cold.

Mr. Xue always intends to find He Yiming again to continue business talks.

But He Yiming seemed completely cold to him.

Why is Mr. Xue willing to give up this opportunity for cooperation?

Thinking of the aura between He Yiming and Ye Shu last time, he knew very well that if he wanted to do the work of He Yiming, he could only start from Ye Shu.

It couldn't be better to be able to chat with Ye Shu alone.

Zhu Jian mistakenly regarded Mr. Xue's enthusiasm as the enthusiasm between men and women.

She snorted, Ye Shu behaved so pure, in private, not abusive.

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