Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1391: She is gone

Ye Shu continued to close his eyes.

Zhu Jian smiled: "Ye Shu, don't blame me. Anyway, you and Mr. Xue have been embarrassed a long time ago, and I will just help you again today."

Ye Shu understood. Is Zhu Jian taking herself to see Mr. Xue?

With so many people today, if someone finds out that they are with Mr. Xue, it goes without saying that they know what kind of turmoil will be caused.

At that time, not only reputation, but even work will be affected.

Since then, this place, I am afraid there is no more place to stand!

Ye Shu calmly leaned on Zhu Jian, supported by her, and followed her.

In a room upstairs, Mr. Xue had been waiting there for a long time. In order to seek a chance to cooperate with He Yiming, Mr. Xue was very patient.

He dreamed of dredging the relationship between Ye Shu, and after getting the cooperation, the business would take a step forward.

Probably it was too eager to fantasize, so the body gradually became hot. He didn't care, and continued to drink with the wine glass.

Zhu Jian helped Ye Shu walk over and opened the door, intending to push Ye Shu forward.

However, before she could push, Ye Shu grabbed her wrist and threw her in, and Zhu Jian was thrown in.

Ye Shu closed the door fiercely and locked it tightly.

She has already been fooled for such a trick once, but now how can she be fooled again.

No matter who is inside, what is waiting for him, then let Zhu Jian take it for himself!

Mr. Xue inside has been waiting for a long time.

When Zhu Jian was thrown in, he was already enthusiastic and couldn't control anything.

He Yiming, Ye Shu, and business were all left behind by him. The only thing he wants now is a woman!

Zhu Jian screamed, and Ye Shu shook her backhand.

She desperately wanted to go out, but the material she gave to Mr. Xue was too heavy, how much she didn't want to let Ye Shu go, and now how much Mr. Xue didn't want to give up her mouthful of fat.

No matter how Zhu Jian struggles, he can't escape the power of Mr. Xue.

In the room, there were waves of weeping sounds.

Ye Shu sighed helplessly, is this Ye Yu's idea?

It wasn't enough to frame yourself once a few years ago. Do you want to do it again now?

Outside, there was a hint of joy in Ye Yu's heart.

You don't need to do it yourself, just to provoke Zhu Jian, you can ask Zhu Jian to help him get rid of Ye Shu, there is no more cost-effective deal.

She took Meng Fu's hand and said with a smile: "Let's accompany Dad to cut the cake."

"Good." Meng Fu nodded gently.

It's just that I don't know where Ye Shu has gone, and she is nowhere to be seen.

Could it be that she left so soon?

Thinking of this, Meng Fu's heart faintly aroused discomfort, so soon, she left.

There seems to be something empty in my heart...

Outside the door, He Yiming's car stopped.

Today, he finally decided to come to Ye Shu himself.

In the past, he was worried that Xia Sheng's affairs would make Ye Shu come back to him and be wronged.

But after thinking about it, he still felt that no matter how he faced it in the future, he would advance and retreat together with Ye Shu.

He really didn't want to continue to see her being tortured.

Liang Yan drove his car and parked at the door with joy.

He was happiest, and finally saw that the general figured out this matter. What could be better than this?

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