Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1407: Insatisfaction is a disease

"Ye Shu..." Meng Fu admitted that he did regret it.

Regret what I did to Ye Shu.

He thought that Ye Yu was where he belonged, because only Ye Yu would look at him with that kind of worship, and Ye Shu was too independent and could do everything by himself.

He enjoys the feeling of being a birdie.

But every time I think about it, I feel that all this is not satisfactory.

"Ye Shu, don't drive me away, we... can we start again?"

Ye Shu sneered and said: "Did you fall in love with me or He Yiming behind me? Don't be funny if you fall in love with me. Ye Yu is your true love. If you fell in love with He Yiming behind me, Then you really turned your life into a joke, do you want to be my little mistress or something?"

"I..." Meng Fu was speechless.

He stood flushed.

What Ye Shu scolded was her right, because these were all debts he owed.

"After I promised you, you will look at Ye Yu another day. Meng Fu, admit it, you just don't have enough and want everything. Feudal society has died out, and it's not a world where men like you can exist."

After Ye Shu finished speaking, he turned and entered the elevator.

Most of Meng Fu's wine sobered up.

He didn't understand why he came to Ye Shu, but he just came.

During this time, his heart was too tangled.

But Ye Shu's words woke him up. He was indeed unsatisfied, and he was unsatisfied with whom he was with.

What is not available is the best. This is a disease.

And he was dying ill.

He turned around, Ye Yu was in the car on the roadside, and his nails were severely pinched into his palm.

She knew that Ye Shu would seduce her man!

Ye Shu already has He Yiming, isn't that enough? I also want to be with Meng Fu.

She just wants to avenge herself, right? She just wanted to retaliate for getting Meng Fu. She came back this time with such a purpose, right?

Use He Yiming to slap himself in the face and walk between Meng Fu.

Okay, I remember, Ye Shu, you will never succeed!

Ye Shu returned to the room, exhausted in his heart.

For Ye Yu and Meng Fu, she was really troubled.

Especially what Ye Yu said today...

She hugged the pillow and was dazed on the sofa.

There are disturbances in my mind, all of which are scattered thoughts.

I want to call He Yiming and tell him about having a child out of wedlock, but I also know that this kind of thing can only be said in person.

I fell asleep accidentally and was awakened by the doorbell.

Ye Shu hurriedly got up and went to open the door.

Is He Yiming back? It was already late, why did he come back so late.

Ye Shu opened the door, and there was a child standing by the door, with anxiety and expectation written on Qinggui's face.

It turned out to be Xia Sheng!

"Xia Sheng, why are you? Why did you come?" Ye Shu thought about countless possibilities, but never thought that it would be Xia Sheng.

Isn't he in the presidential palace?

Doesn't he have a lot of bodyguards to protect him?

How did he know and come here so far away?

Ye Shu's mind was full of questions, and she didn't care to ask, she pulled Xia Sheng in, and said, "Quickly come in, come in quickly. Have you eaten dinner? Are you hungry?"

Xia Sheng nodded obediently, because he was not disgusted by Ye Shu, so his face was cleverly smiled, and the anxiety just now disappeared.

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