Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1409: Can I call you mother?

Xia Sheng immediately responded, "Okay."

He doesn't know how to solve the dilemma in front of him, he only knows that this is the woman in front of him, the object and source he wants to get close to.

As long as you can be with Ye Shu, it's no big deal.

He lowered his head and ate seriously.

Ye Shu touched his head, since she promised him and didn't tell others where he was going, she would definitely not say it.

These days, just treat it as a hide-and-seek play by them secretly.

After eating, Xia Sheng took the initiative to help Ye Shu pack things up, to wash the dishes.

"No, you go there to take a bath, you don't have to worry about anything." Ye Shu found a piece of clothing that was originally intended to be bought for An An, but when it was bought, she was not embarrassed to give it to Chu Ning.

Now it's just for Xia Sheng to wear.

Ye Shu packed up his things and took it to the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and started to wash the dishes.

Xia Sheng stood behind her and suddenly said, "Auntie, can I call you mother?"

The words he suddenly uttered made Ye Shu's hand pause.

Her whole body froze.

Not because he felt abrupt or offensive, but because it reminded her of her own child.

At this moment, she wished that the child was still there, even though she didn't know who the child's father was.

Thinking that Ye Shu was unwilling, Xia Sheng bowed his head, but after all, he was expecting.

He didn't know why, but he had different feelings for her.

In the face of any other women, he has never had such an impulse.

Only Ye Shu, only her.

Ye Shu turned back and smiled at Xia Sheng: "Okay."

Even if this feeling is only temporary, it seems that it can be satisfied.

Xia Sheng smiled: "Mom!"

Ye Shu's eyes were a little moist at the moment. It would be great if Xia Sheng was not Fu Qian's son, so that she could apply and adopt this child.

She patted his head: "Be good, go take a bath."

Satisfied, Xia Sheng stepped forward and gave her a hug, with a small arm around her waist, leaning against her, for a long time, before turning around and leaping to take a bath.

In Ye Shu's heart, different emotions were also constantly surging.

When he went to bed at night, Ye Shu settled him in the second bedroom and stayed with him until he fell asleep before Ye Shu went to his room.

She wanted to tell He Yiming about this, but when she thought of her promise to Xia Sheng, she still didn't say anything. She just sent a message to He Yiming and said something else.

In the next two days, He Yiming still did not come back.

Xia Sheng continued to stay on Ye Shu's side. He cleverly reads calligraphy and painting at home during the day and does not go to other places.

Ye Shu saw that he hadn't been out for a few days, knowing that he was worried that people from the presidential palace would find him.

But a few days have passed, Ye Shu didn't know whether it was appropriate to keep him hidden like this.

He is still so young, he needs freedom, and he needs to go to school to be with his peers.

"Xia Sheng, can we have a chat?" Ye Shu sat down and asked.


"Xia Sheng, after tomorrow night, no matter what, I will tell Yiming you are here."

Although Xia Sheng was reluctant, he nodded slightly.

Ye Shu smiled: "Xia Sheng, Yiming, he doesn't love you. He is already fighting for your custody from the Presidential Palace. If you can get it, you can live with us in the future."

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