Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1412: What she fears most

"General He? I heard that after General He appeared once that day, he didn't show up again, and he went back to Jingyuan directly. Do you know? Would people like General He have fewer targets? Even if he agrees, People’s family, how could the leader watch him marry a woman who is not the right household? I don’t know what I’m thinking..." Jiang Sisi said, "Maybe General He was just It's just to relieve her, it doesn't matter at all in private."

Among Ye Shu's suitors, one of them was the man Jiang Sisi liked.

Originally, she and the man still had a chance to develop, but they had not been able to pierce the window paper.

But he didn't expect that after Ye Shu came back, the man went straight to chase Ye Shu, leaving Jiang Sisi aside.

How is Jiang Sisi not angry?

So it's more sour than eating sour grapes.

This Ye Shu, it's fine to **** the limelight at work, even men have to **** it, no wonder Ye Yu hates her so much, Jiang Sisi secretly thought.

As he was talking, he saw that Ye Shu had disappeared.

Jiang Sisi's eyes swept around the audience but no one was seen.

She chatted with Ye Yu one after another, talking and laughing.

After ten minutes, Ye Shu's figure reappeared.

Jiang Sisi immediately said: "Hey, a man who pursued her just now also disappeared. Wouldn't it be them who went out together?"

Meng Fu's expression changed, and the hand holding the wine glass unconsciously clenched tightly.

Ye Yu saw it in his eyes, pained in his heart.

After Ye Shu came back, Meng Fu's changes were really too great, and everything seemed a little uncontrollable.

She reprimanded gently: "Sisi, don't talk nonsense. Meng Fu, let's go dancing."

She knew better than anyone that Ye Shu brought Xia Sheng today and hid it in the office.

It's really maternal love. Under such occasions, all of them bring their children over, and they are reluctant to bear the hardships of the children at all.

But because of this, Ye Shu will definitely fail today.

After dancing with Meng Fu for a while, Ye Yu pulled Jiang Sisi aside and said, "Sisi, I don't know whether to say or not to say something."

"There is something that should not be said, you say it."

"In fact, my sister gave birth to a child before leaving home. But the child was not Meng Fu's, so the Meng family was very angry."

Jiang Sisi was taken aback: "Is there such a thing?"

"My dad was afraid that my sister would make a fool of himself, and he even followed the whole family, so he never said this. But now I found out that my sister brought the child with him. To be honest, I'm really worried."

"Is it possible, what general does this child belong to?" Jiang Sisi guessed, "How old is the child, can you figure out who the child's father is?"

"Impossible, it is definitely not General He's." Ye Yu clearly remembered that after she drugged Ye Shu, she slept with a man and then had this child.

At that time, Ye Yu had specifically found a little bastard, but the little **** had a mess at the time, and he couldn't tell the specific things that night.

How could this be He Yiming?

What's more, Ye Shu didn't even know He Yiming at that time.

He Yiming really wanted a child, would Ye Shu hide the child in hiding?

Ye Shu is probably most afraid of letting He Yiming know that she has given birth to a child!

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