Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1424: Not dreaming

He Yiming embraced the mother and son in his arms, and refused to let go.

His mood is even better than Ye Shu.

I just want to quietly feel the happiness of these three family being together and never being separated.

"Yi Ming, do you think I am dreaming?" Ye Shu couldn't help but raise his eyes and look at him, for fear that this is a dream and will wake up in a blink of an eye.

He Yiming lowered her head and kissed her lips. When she was emotional, he took a small bite.

Ye Shu was in pain, and whispered: "Yeah..."

"Not dreaming." He Yiming smiled.

"I really didn't expect that the person back then was you. That time, Ye Yu gave me the medicine. I always thought that I... only found out when the child was older. When I wanted to take it away, the doctor said it was very difficult. It’s dangerous. So I left him. I think I can take on his responsibilities after he was born and grow up with him. But my father said, the child is gone, I was..."

She remembered all the scars left by everything she had in the first place, still fresh in her memory.

But now, these scars can truly heal again, grow new flesh, and be repaired together with the past, so that all the pain is buried.

He Yiming hugged her, wanting to say sorry, wanting to say that she was wronged for too many years.

In the end, he didn't say a word.

He knows that this is what he needs to pay for the rest of his life.


The loss of Xia Sheng at the Presidential Palace really caused a shocking wave.

However, they also discovered that Xia Sheng was not taken away, but he left.

And he is very smart, basically avoiding the camera, so it is difficult to really find his trace.

Jiang Xue made people secretly search for Xia Sheng, fearing that He Yiming would find Xia Sheng first, and they would lose the opportunity to compete for Xia Sheng.

Therefore, people are always arranged here to handle this matter.

After knowing that Xia Sheng had been taken away by Ye Shu, the news reached Jiang Xue's ears.

"Take it away by Ye Shu?" Jiang Xue asked annoyedly.

"Yes, Young Master is with Ye Shu now." The bodyguard responded.

"It's hateful. Ye Shu has no hope of being with He Yiming anymore, but she actually used such abusive methods. If she dares to hurt Xia Sheng, she will spend her entire life in prison!"

The bodyguard said: "Some people say that the young master is Ye Shusheng."

"Bah!" Jiang Xue naturally didn't believe it. "Only she can give birth to a child like Xia Sheng? And in those years, where did Ye Shu know He Yiming?"

"General He also publicly admitted that the young master was Ye Shusheng."

Jiang Xue coldly snorted: "He Yiming only came to fight for Xia Sheng's custody a few days ago. Now that we have heard such news, I have reason to believe that this is the way they wanted to steal Xia Sheng. I believe that Xia Sheng is the two of them, and we will create public opinion to make it easier to take the child away. But they think that this method will work?"

Jiang Xue has never personally participated in Xia Sheng's return and DNA testing. Naturally, she believed in her daughter.

Therefore, I feel that everything that is being spread now is nothing more than He Yiming's conspiracy.

"Madam, do you need to invite the second lady back?" the bodyguard asked.

"Qianqian just went to the United States, so I don't need to disturb her. I will take care of this matter. Tomorrow morning, I will go to Ye Shu dignitaries. This woman, it's time to clean up!"

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