Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 143: I hope you treat He Ning as you treat me

What's more, the He family has always been behind Shen Jingyu, telling him a lot of right and wrong, looking down on him in all manners, and demeaning in all manners.

It is normal for the Shen family to be hostile to the He family.

What He Ning can do is to do his duty well and don't let Shen Jingyu embarrass him.

Qin Zheng stepped forward and presented the brocade box in his hand to He Ning.

"He Ning, since you and Jingyu are already married, I won't talk about many of them. After getting married, you can live your life well, and give Jingyu children early, which is your filial piety." Shen Fengshan is kind and serious. Say the words with kindness.

He Ning's hand trembled, and the brocade box in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Not to mention that she and Shen Jingyu are just contracted couples. Even if they are in a happy relationship, her physical condition cannot be pregnant and have children.

Thinking of this, she took a serious look at Shen Jingyu, so why on earth did he make this contract?

Is it just because you want to find a suitable bed warmer?

This movement of He Ning did not hide the look in Ding Qinen's eyes, and Ding Qinen had naturally inquired about her physical condition early in the morning.

Therefore, Ding Qinen has a hundred dissatisfaction with this marriage.

A slightly sharp and mean voice suddenly sounded: "Yes, Jingyu is the man in charge of the Shen family. He also holds huge power in the army. The matter of adding children to him is not a trivial matter, it is related to the entire Shen family. The future of the family. According to me, this is to be done early."

With her voice, He Ning realized that she was a middle-aged woman in her forties or fifties, with a thin appearance and almost no meat on her face, and she looked a little bit mean.

"Shuzhen, just say a few words." Ding Qinen interrupted her.

"What I say is also Jingyu's fifth aunt, and what I said is also for his good. Besides, this is also true." Wu Shuzhen's voice was a bit harsh, "but I heard that He Ning was sick before, and I don't know if it is true. Huh? Isn't this disease affecting childbirth?"

These words are actually what Ding Qinen wants to say.

However, when her son is older, she knows that many things cannot be said too bluntly, which has alienated the relationship between mother and child.

This time Wu Shuzhen said that he was following her to visit relatives in West Portugal, but Ding Qinen did not object and agreed to follow her.

So Wu Shuzhen is actually Ding Qinen's spokesperson to a certain extent.

Shen Jingyu raised her eyes slightly and swept towards Wu Shuzhen. Although she was an elder, she was also afraid of this nephew in power.

"Jingyu, I'm also doing good for you. These words are also true..." Wu Shuzhen bite the bullet and continued.

"I understand the kindness of the fifth aunt. Since you also know that I am the person in charge of the Shen family, you should know that I will handle my affairs by myself."

The meaning of Shen Jingyu's words is already very clear, and with a warning, no one can intervene in his affairs.

Wu Shuzhen slapped herself: "Yes, too. I shouldn't talk nonsense."

She looked up and down at He Ning. He Ning had bright eyes and white teeth, quiet and elegant, when she was not talking, she looked like a flower in bud, when she spoke, her eyebrows were flexible, and her eyes were smiling. She was indeed a rare beauty.

She thought secretly, it's no wonder that Shen Jingyu was confused by He Ning.

"He Ning is my wife, dad, mom, and fifth aunt. I hope you treat He Ning as you would treat me. From now on, I don't want to hear any gossip!" Shen Jingyu solemnly reiterated again.

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