Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1439: The miracle of older youth

Among those present here, if someone is not open to feelings, Gu Yunchen is probably the only one.

Gu Baoyan likes to fall into trouble with him the most: "Then you choose one quickly, the truth is still a big risk? Don't shame."

"Be honest."

He Yiming asked a question: "Gu Yunchen, haven't you even held a girl's hand?"

"How is it possible? When I see a doctor every day, the beautiful women I have touched have too many hands." Gu Yunchen coughed lightly and said immediately.

"That is not to be involved." He Yiming concluded.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Gu Yunchen was the same age as He Yiming and Shen Jingyu, thirty years old, the first kiss of the first night and even the first hand held, it is really a miracle for older young people.

Gu Baoyan suddenly said anxiously: "Well, shouldn't my elder brother like men?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone cast a strange look at Gu Yunchen.

Could it be true?

Gu Yunchen was seen getting goosebumps all over: "How is it possible? Gu Baoyan, are you my sister? Can you speak well?"

"Then who do you like?" Gu Baoyan asked, because she always listened to her parents talking about her eldest brother's marriage at home, so she took this opportunity to ask more questions.

"I have answered He Yiming's question just now. Your question is invalid!" Gu Yunchen sat down, "Continue playing, continue playing!"

Thinking of the man, he shuddered, how could it be?

The microphone turned, and it came to Gu Yunchen's side again.

Gu Baoyan laughed and stood up: "Brother, what do you choose?"

"Let's take a big risk. I seriously doubt you did it on purpose!"

"Well, the big adventure is to confess to the first person to come in a while, whether it's a man or a woman!"

Everyone agreed, and had never seen Gu Yunchen's private feelings, so everyone really wanted to know how Gu Yunchen was embarrassed.

I don’t know whether the person who will come in a while will be a waiter or who.

Gu Yunchen agreed indifferently, can such a small matter still stump people?

Everyone started playing games again, drinking while playing games, but they were all thinking about what kind of people would appear next.

Especially Gu Baoyan, she was really worried that her eldest brother would like men.

I don't know if the person who will come in awhile will be a male or a female?

Of course, it would be great if she was a beauty, and it would be best if she could conquer the heart of her eldest brother, so that she would not have to face her parents every day.

Gu Yunchen waited carelessly.

After a while, the door rang, and everyone's attention was drawn to the past.

Soon after, the door opened, and a neatly dressed and sassy woman walked in.

It's Liang Yi.

Professor Liang's daughter!

She said last time that if He Yiming and Ye Shu get married, she would come to participate in any activities.

Because He Yiming and Shen Jingyu are two of his father's favorite young friends, and they also collaborate the most.

Ye Shu called her tonight, but she was a little delayed, so she was late.

As soon as she came in, she saw everyone staring at her, except for Gu Yunchen, who was facing her back.

Gu Yunchen said: "Whether he is a man or a woman, isn't it just a confession? What's to be afraid of?"

Then, he turned his head back and saw Liang Yi at a glance.

"Liang, Liang Yi?" Gu Yunchen said silently.

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