Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1442: So proud

Along the way, Gu Yunchen, who was able to talk very well but couldn't talk too much, remained silent all the way.

Only the voice of Liang Yi and Chu Ning could be heard.

When Gu Yunchen got to the place, she ran away screamingly.

"It's strange, what's wrong with Doctor Gu?" Chu Ning looked at the direction of his back.

Liang Yi smiled and said, "Maybe he is afraid of me. When he was studying with my dad, I always bullied him and crushed him professionally. I'm afraid the person he doesn't want to meet is me."

"That is to say, your medical skills are better than him?" Chu Ning exclaimed. Even if Gu Yunchen is a leader in the medical field, she did not expect her to be even better. "Liang Yi, you really deserve to be Professor Liang's daughter."

"No, no, no, I just have a little more theoretical knowledge than him. In terms of practical experience, it is much worse than him."

Chu Ning smiled and said: "That's also very powerful. Doctor Gu's name is very famous in the United States. It is a very remarkable thing that your theoretical knowledge can be richer than him."

Liang Yi smiled and talked happily with Chu Ning.

Until the car stopped at Wen's house, near her husband's house.

"It's getting late, you drive carefully, thank you for taking me home." Liang Yi politely thanked him, and got off the car.

"Unexpectedly, Gu Yunchen also has people who are afraid." Chu Ning waited until they had left, and couldn't help sighing, "I always thought he was not afraid of it."

Shen Jingyu laughed: "I am afraid that he is most afraid of people who can crush him. After all, it is not very pleasant to be the first place for a long time and occasionally fall in second place."

"Yes, he is such a proud man after all."

Back home, Lele was already asleep.

Chu Ning kissed Shen Jingyu, a soft kiss with alcohol, and his body was completely awakened at once.

He held her backhand and kissed her wantonly. During this time, Chu Ning spent a lot of time on Ye Shu and Xia Sheng, and she spent a lot less time with Shen Jingyu.

It's been a long time, I haven't held her softly like this, and kissed her well.

Chu Ning showed a smile, and proactively stood on his toes and plunged into his arms, fingers climbing on his chest.


When she woke up the next day, Chu Ning's waist was a little sore.

Shen Jingyu has finished delivering Lele and is back.

They also asked Ye Shu and He Yiming to prepare supplies for the wedding together.

"Speaking of which, I still owe you a wedding. The first wedding made you very unhappy." Shen Jingyu said with distress.

"Although that wedding was a bit bad, but every time I think about it, I know that it's because you love me. Thinking about it this way, I don't think there is any problem at all." Chu Ning grinned, "Furthermore, You have supplied me a lot."

Shen Jingyu hugged her and buried her head in her shoulders.

His little woman is always so easy to be contented, and she will always remember his goodness. A little bit of little things will make her super satisfied.

A horn sounded outside the door, and it was He Yiming and Ye Shu who came over.

Chu Ning took Shen Jingyu's hand and walked out together.

On the way to the mall, I talked about what Fu Qian said last night.

"Fu Qian guessed my identity and knew that I was Chu Ning's daughter." Chu Ning said, "I also admit it, since she guessed it, it's meaningless to hide and tuck. My dad is not in the Dragon Empire either. Whatever he does in the territory and the arms business he does are allowed by other countries."

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