Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1445: Either deaf or dumb

Everyone couldn't help looking carefully at his appearance. From the appearance, he would definitely not think that his intelligence was defective. He looked a lot like Shen Jingyu, completely reproduced from a mold.

How could it be stupid?

What is wrong with that 80%, either deaf or dumb.

"It's a pity that such a good-looking child will be dragged down if he is deaf or mute even if he has a good IQ."

"Yeah, you see how focused he is when he plays things, there is probably a problem here." Someone pointed to his head.

Although he was very smart in peace, Xia Sheng looked okay, but because of Lele's existence, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

Secretly sighed in my heart, it seems that both He Yiming and Shen Jingyu are too smart, and they have taken up all the blessings of their sons. That's why their sons are not so outstanding.

These words, the Jiang family and Fu Meirou heard them all.

Especially Fu Meirou, she had known that Lele was a problematic child for a long time, but she could do nothing but Shen Jingyu's love as a treasure.

As for the sudden emergence of An An and Ping Ping, she was really annoyed.

Could it be He Ningsheng?

Or something other woman gave birth to?

It seems that Shen Jingyu is not a dedicated man, with He Ning in front, Chu Ning in the back, and Lele with other women in the middle.

He changed so many women, but he never gave himself a chance!

When Fu Meirou thought of this, she couldn't help but pinch her eyebrows.

At this time, a child of about seven or eight years old took the Rubik's Cube and restored it completely in less than ten minutes, which attracted the envy of other children.

"Jiang Yuan, you are so smart!" Jiang Yue praised.

As the military minister, Jiang Qi's family was on the scene. Although Jiang Qi himself did not come due to work, Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Yue still came.

Jiang Yuan and Jiang Chao are Jiang Qi's grandsons and Jiang Yue's nephews. The older one is only eight years old, and the younger one is seven years old. They are already well-known geniuses.

Jiang Yuan, who plays Rubik's Cube, is known for his clever mind. It is said that he has an IQ of up to 150. He is already in the fifth grade at the age of eight and has skipped two grades.

People in the Jiang family are deeply proud of this matter. Even Jiang Xue and Fu Meirou like these two children very much.

Jiang Yue and He Jiaojiao have been standing here watching.

As soon as Chu Ning and elle came down, they heard that Jiang Yue was praising Jiangyuan.

Chu Ning also saw He Jiaojiao at a glance, and couldn't help but shook her head slightly.

It turned out that this He Jiaojiao was following He Peishan, who was He Peishan's follower.

After He Peishan's accident, she followed Shen Xuan's side, and after Shen Xuan's accident, she went to follow Fu Meiruan Jiangyue.

I don't know if she is lucky or bad. There are many people willing to take her in, but none of them lasts long.

He Jiaojiao deliberately wanted Jiang Yuan to fight for her breath, disrupted the Rubik's Cube and gave it to Jiang Yuan again.

After Jiang Yuan took it, within five minutes, everything was done.

He Jiaojiao laughed and said, "Master Yuan is really clever and witty. Not only is he good at school, but he also draws very well. He has a super memory and talent. In the entire Jingyuan, there is no one who is better than our master. Someone who is more powerful."

Jiang Yue smiled and said, "That's true, our Jiang family's genes are good in the first place, but I don't dare to brag about this."

"Of course, Minister Jiang is in a high position, and his brothers, sisters and children are all promising, Jiang family genes, then I definitely don't know where they are." The person next to him immediately complimented.

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